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66 Posts |
Posted - 04/04/2004 : 22:48:08
I was curious and it may help new adjusters, when do you add for steep charge? |
258 Posts |
Posted - 04/05/2004 : 07:40:20
Do you mean when I am estimating a roof that is steep in regards to the repair/replacement cost or do you mean in the billing of the file to the vendor?
Jennifer |
Tom Toll
154 Posts |
Posted - 04/05/2004 : 11:06:15
Anything over 6/12 is considered steep. You add steep charge to your estimate. As far as a vendor in the real world, they will not pay you for climbing a steep roof and most do not offer W/C in the event you take a tumble and live through it. |
373 Posts |
Posted - 04/05/2004 : 11:21:37
A 6/12 pitch is nominally 27 degrees. To measure pitch, buy an Empire Polycast Magnetic Protractor and set it on the roof. Move the little red pointer till it lines up with the white line on the swing arm. Then read degrees off the scale. Turn the protractor over and put the pointer on 27 degrees and read 6/12 pitch. Before you come down from the roof take a photo of the protactor.
Take at least 2 minutes to think about climbing on any roof, but be especially carefull on any thing over 27 degrees and at any slope over 35 degrees consider cougar paws and rope and harness. |
236 Posts |
Posted - 04/05/2004 : 11:47:10
Put Chuck on the "widow list" |
875 Posts |
Posted - 04/05/2004 : 18:06:41
My vendor pays extra for anything over 7/12 and provides WC. I guess I'm blessed. |
315 Posts |
Posted - 04/05/2004 : 18:17:11
Kile, You have to be blessed indeed.
Because you are working for a vendor that does pay for steep, and two story, and numerous other items, such as interior damages, outbuildings, etc. Not to mention the WC, but please be careful.
Most incidents occur when we get so good at our job that we do not listen to the ramblings of the "Chuck's" of the trade.
Been there, done that, with the same carrier. And at that time was not bad. (With reservations, which are chosen to remain unsaid)
66 Posts |
Posted - 04/05/2004 : 20:30:14
I am asking more for when you are preparing an estimate. As far as getting paid for steep by the carriers, not a chance. I guess I look at it as if I can walk it, some "professional" roofer should not have a problem. |
Tom Toll
154 Posts |
Posted - 04/05/2004 : 20:36:32
You can also go to Lowes, or Home Depot and buy an inclinometer that will gauge the pitch of the roof very easily. Costs about $5.00 or less. As Chuck suggested, take a photo of the gauge if your inclined to do so, particularily if your being paid for steep and stupid.
57 Posts |
Posted - 04/05/2004 : 20:40:01
There are 3 reasons I have always payed a steep charge: 1. Every vendor I have ever worked for required it. 2. I get more on my fee bill. 3. The insureds get more and if that causes the threshold for the next level on the fee schedule; see #2. |
22 Posts |
Posted - 04/05/2004 : 23:24:39
I have always added steep to anything 7/12 and up and bill for the same. |
258 Posts |
Posted - 04/06/2004 : 04:26:58
I typically add 1 level of steep charge for anything between a 7/12 and a 9/12. I add a slightly higher steep charge for anything 10/12 and over. If it gets to a 13/12 or higher, I try to add more to account for the add'l labor.
Jennifer |
1 Posts |
Posted - 04/06/2004 : 23:21:39
I am blessed as well, the vendor that sends me out pays for 7/12 or steeper and also has worker's comp. I would not work for a vendor that didn't furnish it.!!!!! |
Jerry LaFrance |
Edited by - vivalafrance on 04/06/2004 23:23:28 |
99 Posts |
Posted - 04/24/2004 : 10:01:03
Czar, Steep charges are there becuase of the increased amount of time it takes to install on steeper slopes. You can't get around as easily with 80 pound bundles on a 7/12 or higher then a 6/12 or lower. It's also more dangerous to work on steeper slopes therefore you must pay more for installers to take the additional risk. I can walk 12/12 pitches but I can't work at the same pace on a 12/12 as I can a 6/12. If I were the installer it would take much more time to install the same amount of shingles on a 12/12 vs a 6/12. |
126 Posts |
Posted - 04/24/2004 : 13:07:36
I don't think steep charges should be used unless it exceeds a 7/12 pitch AND the roofing salesman has fallen off the roof. |
Larry Wright |
99 Posts |
Posted - 04/24/2004 : 13:14:21
LOL Larry! I know one thing is for sure. I can't hop around those 10/12's and 12/12's like I used to when I was in my 20's! = ) |
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