Information on Adding your Name to the Roster

Adjuster Estimates

Roster Notice

Please Note:
If you are adding your name to the Roster please check the "Listing Manager" first for an existing listing.   If you see your name in the "Listing Manager" then use the pencil icon next to your name to edit\update the information if needed.   The "Listing Manager" is next to the "Add New Listing" button on the Roster page. Please see the first image in the article below for an example of what you will see.  If you do not see a listing then use the "Add New Listing" to add your name to the Roster.

CADO Admin
/ Categories: Roster

How to Add your name to the CADO National Adjuster Roster

Click on the images above for examples of what you will see .
  1. First you need a (CADO) user account; You can get it here: Register for a CADO User Account 
    1. However: Having a user account does not get you listed on the Roster, you will still need to add your name to Roster if you wish to be listed on the Roster.
  2. Once you have an account you need to: login
  3. After you login click on word "Adjusters" on the menu bar to visit the Roster.
  4. Once on the Roster please click on the "Listing Manager" button first to check for listing and if you don't see one then click on the button "Add New Listing" to get to the form. (see image 1)
    1.  If you have already added your name to the Roster then login with the username you used at that time and follow the link to the Roster page and click on the "Listing Manager" and use the pencil icon next to your name to edit\update the listing. Please keep your Roster Listing updated.

Things to remember!

  1. You can have only one Roster Entry.
  2. You can only edit\update the Roster listing with the CADO account you used to create the listing
  3. The Email address used with the Contact form comes from your CADO Account
  4. You can upload only one photo.  If you wish to change the photo then you will need to remove the current photo first. To add or update your Roster photo, click the "Update & Edit Photos" button at the bottom of the form. 
  5. Updated 1/29/2019: If you wish to remove your Roster listing from public viewing or make it temporary inactive deselect the "Approved" setting that you will see in "Listing Manager" you will see the "Listing Manager" on the Roster page only after you login.
  6. If you wish to remove the Roster listing from the CADO site please send a request to us using the contact form. Removing your CADO account will not remove the Roster listing.
  7. If you have added your name to the Roster you should see it on your CADO profile page as well and be able to edit from that page also.
  8. When you need to update your information please click the pencil next to your name. See the information below the form shown for additional information on updating your Roster information. Please keep your Roster information updated.
  9. Required Fields
  10. When on the form be sure complete all of the required fields.  Here is a list of the ones that are required and must be completed before you can save your listing.  When you try to save your information and it does not save check for a pop-up showing the missing data.  Be sure you do not have the pop-up blocked. Below is a image of the Pop-up.  In this example I clicked on the "Update" before completing the required fields.
  11. Last Name*:
  12. First Name*:
  13. City*:
  14. Zip*:
  15. Experience*:
  16. NFIP Certified?*:
  17. Software Experience*:
  18. Bilingual*:
  19. Do you have passport? *:
  20. Bio or Mini Resume*:
  21. Allow Contact Form*:
Here is what the Pop-up will look like you if you did not complete some of the required fields.

Please note is not affiliated with any of the companies listed or advertising on the site and is not an employer or trainer.


25 comments on article "How to Add your name to the CADO National Adjuster Roster"

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Beth Speed

I am trying to add my name and unable to.

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I have just registered as an All-line Adjuster.I need an experienced fellow to mentor and guide me since this is a new field to me having worked as an engineer all my life.

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Finding it difficult to list name in the rooster

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CADO Admin


What kind of problems are you having? When adding your name be sure that all of the required fields have been completed per # 6 in the article above. Let know if you cannot access the form to add your name. After you login you can follow the link to the form for adding your name.

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D Durham

unable to add my name, please advise

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CADO Admin

D, Are you receiving any error messages? Be sure you allow pop-ups for the page when you are on the add name page, the pop-up tells you which of the required fields are missing data. In many cases the problem is related to not completing all of the required fields.

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Craig Colson

How do you rotate your photo? Mine is listed sideways on the roster.

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CADO Admin

Hi Craig, most of the time the problem is because the image is longer or wider then the height.

I have fixed your image, I rotated the image and changed the size a little. See if it is OK. Let me know if you need any changes.

I will take a look at the code in the image upload script and see if I can change it so the problem does not occur going forward.


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Shanta K Burton-Lewis

Hello, I'm trying to see if my name has been added .Shanta K Burton -Lewis

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CADO Admin

Shanta, I could not locate a listing using your last name. When you have added your name to the Roster you can see your listing near the top on the left side of Roster Page after you login. To add your name visit the Roster page after you login and click on the "Add New Listing" button that you will see,

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Valerie Reed-Martin

How do I delete my resume to enter my current resume?

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CADO Admin

Valerie, when I checked your Roster listing I did not see a uploaded resume, so you should be able to upload one. Could you be referring to the Roster listing instead of the Resume? If you need your listing removed you need to request it by using the "Contact Us" page. However, if you need to update or change the information just login with the username you used to add it and click on the pencil icon next to your name to edit the information.

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Trying to upload photo with my roster listing. It’s not working. What am i doing wrong?

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CADO Admin


Login and edit your Roster Listing, while on the form go towards the bottom of form until you see the "Select Images" button, click that button and select your photo to add it to your Roster listing, once the photo has uploaded click the "update" button to save the update. Let me know if you still have trouble.


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It’s not showing a “select images” option anywhere on my roster listing to edit.

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Jane, did you click the Pencil icon? I just checked your listing and after I click the pencil icon and go to the bottom of the form and I see the "select Images". Please see the images above for an example.

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Jane, I went ahead and used your profile photo and added it to your Roster listing. You should be able to login and edit the listing to change the photo if needed.

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Charles Brown

Hi. My profile picture keeps showing up to the side at a 180 degree angle. Is there a way to correct this? I am not uploading it that way. Thanks

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CADO Admin

Charles, I'm not sure what the problem was but I downloaded your picture and uploaded it again and it appears to be showing correctly.

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Bradley Clacken

I'm trying to upload a photo but only choice I I have is through a URL. how do I upload a photo from choosing a file ?

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Bradley Clacken

I got my photo added through "profile edit". However it uploads horizontally ...???

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CADO Admin


Question 1

On the form for adding your name to the Roster look right above the URL option and you should see an option to upload images. If you do not then you should see a gray box with a icon in it, click the icon to enable "Adobe Flash Player" this will activate the upload images in your form. It is turned off in some browsers. Please see photo 8 above for an example.

Question 2,

For the photo you added your user profile try to load the photo into Windows Photos and then use the Edit option to get to the "Crop and Rotate. Even if appears correctly you can use the crop to change the size a little and then use the save copy to save as a new image then upload the new image.

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CADO Admin

Update, Roster Listing Manager is now available.

If your Roster Listing has expired or if you removed from viewing then in the past you would not be able to locate it. However, in January of 2019 we updated the Roster to make the Listing Manager available, so you can use it to see your Roster Listing even if it is expired or been removed from viewing. This is the only way you can see your listing if it is in this status. But it still has to be one you created with the username you login with. We have about 400 listings that cannot not be viewed because they have expired or in draft status which removes them from view. We recommend you check the Listing Manager if you cannot locate your listing. Please contact us if you have trouble.

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Ryan Jones

I added my name to the roster. However, it appears that the roster created a second "Ohio" category and does not list me under the current Ohio heading. Is there a way to group me with the other Ohio adjusters? Thank you

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CADO Admin

Hi Ryan,

I have moved your Roster listing to the other Ohio group. Thanks for pointing out this issue, I'm working to resolve it so that it does not happen again. I did notice some other duplicate state categories.


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