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    Welcome to CatAdjuster.org

    ——Your portal into the world of Catastrophe Adjusting

    CatAdjuster.org (CADO) is a site devoted to insurance adjusters and the claim handling industry, slanted towards catastrophe claims.

  • 911 Event

    An Adjuster to Adjuster Community

    ——With over 32,000 Members

    The site provides information and resources through a collaborative effort from the membership, adjuster to adjuster.

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    Created in 1995

    ——by an adjuster working Cat Claims

    It was the first site devoted to adjusters on the web, we were social networking, before that term became known. 2021 makes our 26th year on the web,

Simply Snap, Speak & Send

National Adjuster Roster


The CADO Vendor Directory is a database that provides information on Employers of Adjusters, Adjusting Firms, Appraisers, CE Courses, Engineering Firms, Software, Industry Related Services and other categories.  Vendors can add their information to the database and keep it current 24/7.

  • Vendor Directory

    The CADO Vendor Directory is a database that provides information on Employers of Adjusters, Adjusting Firms, Appraisers, CE Courses, Engineering Firms, Software, Industry Related Services and other categories.  Vendors can add their information to the database and keep it current 24/7.

  • Adjuster Roster

    The Roster is for all Independent Insurance Adjusters both catastrophe and non catastrophe that wish inform potential employers about their qualifications and handle insurance claims on behalf of insurance companies.  You can also upload and store your resume, copies of certificates and licenses.

  • The Classifieds

    Do you need adjusters? Have a product or provide a service for adjusters? Do you provide training, certification or licensing for adjusters? Have some adjuster gear or equipment for sell?  If so the Classifieds is a great way to advertise your company and promote your opportunities, services and products.