Can anyone provide me a list of REAL Rope & Harness Training places where I can get certified, most likely FL, GA or South East?
All the courses seem to be in TX or further. I've searched REI, SPRAT, AITECH in GA, other IA companies that offer "rope training," but which certification is the one OSCHA or rope professionals would agree will help me save my life on steep roofs?
The followed a link I read here on Cado: which caused me to rethink where I was going to be trained. I believe I was about to pay upwards of $1000 for the whole trip (hotels, gas, course, etc), for which this post commented on, teaches improper techniques. I've worked with some adjusters who use the improper Gri-Gri techniques, hands-free standing, and knot tying that this post mentioned as "improper."
I'm a bit confused but wish to get trained on steep roofs before I become "that guy" who wishes he had taken the safety courses because he fell. I've been climbing roofs for years without incident but something inside me is saying to get more information and proper training.