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Last Post 02/25/2008 5:48 PM by  Tom Toll
Insurance Field looking to move into Claims
 5 Replies
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02/24/2008 7:36 PM

    Hello Everyone,

    I currently work in Surplus Lines insurance as an undewrriting Assistant (Commercial P&C).  I really enjoy what I do, but the office i work in is a wreck and on the down slope.  A little about myself...I'm 25 and live in Louisiana, I have a BA in Economics and I quote renewals for the underwriters in our office.  I also have my Producer's license here in LA and have been doing this for a year.  I'm not afraid to work as my work load right now being in a different part of the insurance industry is extremely hectic.  

    I feel that I'm intelligent, level headed, and hard working.  My day already consists of reviewing and researching Carrier information with a full day of paperwork and goals to meet.   I recently found out about the claims field of insurance and was interested in the change for opportunity.  I don't make a boat load of money and  thought that now would be a good time to make this sort of change as I want to start a family in the next 5 years or so.  I enjoy being out in the field with customers and all and I feel I have a calming effect on people in tense situations. 

    I'm not expecting to break the mold and make 100k a year or become a CAT Adjuster in 3 years, but I was thinking about going after a Progressive Claims Adjuster Trainee position (auto) in my area.  I've heard a lot of back and forth about this job on the internet and such, but I'm not afraid to stick something out for a few years to develop, if it will pay off by leading to more lucrative forms of adjusting after the fact.  I hear that this is a good stepping stone into this part of the industry and after a few years can lead into P&C claims, which in many years could lead to larger and even Independent adjusting. 

    I have a good working knowledge of autos as a teenager very into muscle cars and so on.  I've also read many posts on here trying not to repost things that were answered, but I would like to get you guys second opinions on paths to take and any other advice you could give to a hopeful adjuster that is currently in a different part of the industry.  This is the nicest site I found with forums like this.  Any info is greatly appreciated!


    Thank You!




    02/25/2008 8:06 AM
    I have heard Progressive is a sweat shop, but then again, you are 25, you can handle it. It would probably be a good place to start for a couple of years.
    Tim Johnson

    02/25/2008 8:55 AM

    Guru, Progressive will give you a good base of knowledge to start with. The only suggestion I would make is to set your goal not only to learn auto, but let them know you also want to learn liability and property. That will give you a resume that will carry through many facets of the business. With your degree and that training, you will be able to move up the ladder quickly, with Progressive or any other carrier. Or breakout as an independant.



    I know the voices aren't real, but sometimes they're right!
    Ray Hall
    Senior Member
    Senior Member

    02/25/2008 2:53 PM

    Many people do not think you are a real adjuster unless you were trained by a company. I think like this also. Go for it.


    02/25/2008 3:14 PM
    gotta start somewhere. I wish I had learned auto. I am a property "guy"
    Tom Toll
    Moderator & Life Member
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    Senior Member

    02/25/2008 5:48 PM

    Guy or Gal. If your a guy named Dorothy, you, like Johnny Cash, should write a song, never mind, Johnny has one about Sue.

    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
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