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Last Post 12/22/2014 12:45 AM by  ruddy
Little bit of advice
 68 Replies
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Roy Estes

06/16/2009 6:11 PM

Ray is correct, Allstate is a requirement on Both daily and Cat Claims to settle Claims "TABLETOP" Unless of course it is Large Loss, or Exceeds a certain Dollar amount. from Scope to Claim closure on Typical Moderate Loss involving 1 - 2 coverages on a certain loss can be done in about 2 hours. I prefer to write estimate on moderate Losses in the field. Even in Atlanta With the 12/12 pitches, 2 Story Walk out basements. Typically in an area I find that Building materials, Practices used is typical hence using good macro's and tweaking them is expediant and sufficient.

"Each of us as human beings has a responsibility to reach out to help our brothers and sisters affected by disasters. One day it may be us or our loved ones needing someone to reach out and help." RC ESTES

06/17/2009 8:30 PM
Posted By Jud G. on 16 Jun 2009 11:01 AM

Guys, come on.  Now I admire the pride many of you take in your role as an adjuster, but Rocket science to Adjusting.  That's one embarrassing bit of a stretch.

Thanks Jud, I never thought a simple tongue in cheek comment would touch such a nerve.
I know the voices aren't real, but sometimes they're right!
Jud G.
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

06/17/2009 9:18 PM
You bet!  I don't come here much, but I was shocked that no one came to back up your simple point.  It's important to know our place as adjusters..

06/17/2009 9:53 PM

When I first used the expression

"rocket science" on this thread

I could not have hoped that it

would enliven things as much

as it has.  Jim Flint would have

been proud of such a spirited

discussion  with commenter's

sometimes blowing kisses to

each other and at other times

throwing chairs.


It ranged from the glorification

of adjusters as heroic  action

figures (Meg)  to those that

simply said it is a job that

sometimes pays well and

requires a sound base of

knowledge, hard work, and

reasonably sound character.


Guy Snappy


Drink up Shriners.

Gold Member

06/18/2009 12:55 PM
Get over yourself.  I'm real tired of every time I post something you simply cannot leave it alone, you have to mention my name, call me names or critique my posts.
I'm sick of you stalking me, mentioning my name, or even acknowledging me at all.
You need to get a life, Snappy, because I'm real tired of you following me around. 
I have no idea why you choose to mention me at every opportunity, but its rather pathetic on  your part. 
If you don't like the fact that I'm around, get over it. 
No one needs you to clarify their posts, give your opinions or lurk around here waiting the opportunity for me to post so you critique what I've written.  I notice you don't do that to anyone else.  Is it because you're too pathetic to stalk some man the way you've been stalking me?  I've noticed when someone  says something to you, you don't reply to them as you do to me, nor to you attack their posts the way you do mine....
I've been around here for a few years now, and I generally  attempt to make positive posts (as opposed to you) and generally try to show my support toward the industry (as opposed to you), nor do I follow people around and make some kind of dig toward their posts at every opportunity (as opposed to you).  I give my real name, show that I am indeed a licensed adjuster and don't skulk around looking for opportunities to attempt to put others down (as opposed to you). 
If you have some problem with me, I suggest you be a man and email me rather than attempting to take pot shots at me as you've been doing for quite some time now, otherwise, leave me alone.  Your actions toward me have been that of a bully and rather chauvinistic, and if I must say, quite immature. Your constant need to make some dig toward me are not making me look stupid, quite the contrary.  I really don't have time in my busy life to play these kind of games with you, Snappy.  I have a real life, work most of the time and don't appreciate your juvenile need to play these kind of games, and your flaccid attempt to discredit me among my colleagues. 
Your attempts to either embarrass me or bully me are not working, so just get used to the fact that I'm going to be around here and if you don't like what I have to say, I suggest you figure out a way to grow up and deal with it.
Oh, by the way, you never answered my question which has now been put to you at least 5 times, Are you an adjuster?????? 
Do the right thing, ALWAYS

06/18/2009 2:21 PM

That was a silly post StormSupport. The record would show that you have been unrelentingly hostile to me from early on. Some others have some of the time and not at other times, but to say I haven't responded to others is easily countered by a few

minutes of reading of the threads. Still I do think you wrap yourself in the adjuster flag and lecture people about adjuster patriotism.  And many not in a very good position to defend themselves. Usually some hapless person stumbling onto the website

and innocently asking a question. I made no criticism of your post on this thread. If you think adjusters are "supermen" that's fine with me. I simply described the range of opinion. I certainly have no wishes to say anything else to you. 



Guy Snappy


Drink up Shriners.

Veteran Member
Veteran Member

06/18/2009 3:42 PM
Git, 'im, Meg

Hold still, one likes a moving target
Larry D Hardin

06/18/2009 4:33 PM

Larry --


Ain't much fun when the rabbit's got the gun.



Drink up Shriners 
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

06/18/2009 8:04 PM
Wrong again...........

That's when it really gets to be fun!!
Larry D Hardin

06/16/2010 3:48 PM
So if one can investigate Murders get a government retirement, can he do adjusting? I am confused? Should I go to the Johnson Space Center? Should I call Superman?

06/21/2010 8:57 PM
  I am confused or have a different idea of what get rich quick means. I have adjuster friends who have made 6 figure incomes in 6 -7 mo. on hail and wind storms and a lot more on the big hurricanes.  So who is not telling the truth here. My friends or the old veterans of this blog. It seems that they seem to want to keep us newbies out. I agree with snappy on that you don't have to be rocket scientist. I think maybe these vets just are having a hard time with the technology and there uses so they make it sound so hard.  Maybe it is just easier to learn this business now with all the internet and software help we now have access to then when they all started. They all seem to be upset or something. It's also funny when they make it sound like they are gone working all the time, 14 hour days, 7 days a week, and for years at a time, but yet they are always on these blogs. I was reading these to maybe get some in site to help me become a better adjuster and it seems there is more negativity then help. My instructor told us "do not read the blogs it will just bring you down". This is my first post after 2 months of following these forums and blogs and I just wanted to comment. Thanks, Macwoody.

07/22/2010 1:51 PM
I agree. Sounds like there's some negativity around.
Ray Hall
Senior Member
Senior Member

07/22/2010 7:27 PM
I sworked for insurance co,s as a staff adjuster for 17 years. I think it takes 10,000 hours to become a good adjuster in property & casualty. You must start someplace, but the best place is an insurance company to train you. Starting out with family in the biz. is tough, but many have done OK.
Something I can not understand I have read 100 or more post on this site... I have good buds who got into the biz and they have done real well. Why don,t they take you under their wing for a few years?

10/07/2010 4:02 PM
Dear Chuck, what if someone had said the same thing you did to you?  Everyone in every career most likely came to that career direction from another career.  Maybe you just don't want any competition for work. 
Andrew Zarkovacki

04/02/2012 9:30 PM

I was reading through some of your older posts the other day came across something about a free estimating cores online? Estimating 101? 

Veteran Member
Veteran Member

04/03/2012 9:20 PM
Posted By Andrew Zark on 02 Apr 2012 09:30 PM

I was reading through some of your older posts the other day came across something about a free estimating cores online? Estimating 101? 

Not sure what course you are talking about, there are free courses but NOT online, the following are actual classroom courses but free (IE...right now during the Crawford conference XM8 and XM8 sketch)The upcoming Crawford conference in Atlantic City 24 April 2012 also XM8 nnd XM8 sketch

Any Mariposa Meet N Greet in whatever state (there are multiple dates) offer XM8 training for $100.00

 (however if you deploy with them, you will be refunded said $100.00 at the storm orientation )

"A good leader leads..... ..... but a great leader is followed !!"
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

04/05/2012 8:40 AM

Ya know,  I, too, have noticed some negativity among us old guys.  I don't think it's because we are jealous of those that are very capable of the newer technology, I think it's because we've forgotten that we had an "answer person" many years ago that we could go to.

Some of the guys and gals on this site give the impression that they don't want to share their knowledge for free.  We all had supervisors or friends or whoever that shared their knowledge with us for free.  Well, not free, it usually costs us a few beverages at the end of the day.  Which is still pretty darn cheap for the guidance and knowledge that came our way.

I've tried to embrace the newer procedures and tools that are available and it has never bothered me to ask a younger person how something worked or what the steps were to make the technology work for me.  And, the other side of the coin, I can't tell you how many times I've stopped what I was doing to answer some simple question from someone that was just "stuck" and couldn't go on without some help.  I felt like I was blessed to have been thought of as someone that might have an answer to a question.

There's a wealth of knowledge and experience on this website and most of us are more than willing to share.  We just don't tolerate those that won't make the effort to learn on their own.  I am willing to bet there are over a thousand postings on getting started and how to start and who do I call and where do I go and etc, etc.  And, we still get the poster that won't use the search engine and wants us to do all his or her homework for them.  That's when the short fuse gets lit.

I think it's kinda like going through life..................those that help themselves get help.

Happy Trails

Larry D Hardin
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

04/05/2012 10:02 PM
Posted By OkcLarryD on 05 Apr 2012 08:40 AM

Ya know,  I, too, have noticed some negativity among us old guys.  I don't think it's because we are jealous of those that are very capable of the newer technology, I think it's because we've forgotten that we had an "answer person" many years ago that we could go to.

Some of the guys and gals on this site give the impression that they don't want to share their knowledge for free.  We all had supervisors or friends or whoever that shared their knowledge with us for free.  Well, not free, it usually costs us a few beverages at the end of the day.  Which is still pretty darn cheap for the guidance and knowledge that came our way.

I've tried to embrace the newer procedures and tools that are available and it has never bothered me to ask a younger person how something worked or what the steps were to make the technology work for me.  And, the other side of the coin, I can't tell you how many times I've stopped what I was doing to answer some simple question from someone that was just "stuck" and couldn't go on without some help.  I felt like I was blessed to have been thought of as someone that might have an answer to a question.

There's a wealth of knowledge and experience on this website and most of us are more than willing to share.  We just don't tolerate those that won't make the effort to learn on their own.  I am willing to bet there are over a thousand postings on getting started and how to start and who do I call and where do I go and etc, etc.  And, we still get the poster that won't use the search engine and wants us to do all his or her homework for them.  That's when the short fuse gets lit.

I think it's kinda like going through life..................those that help themselves get help.

Happy Trails


Well said!

"A good leader leads..... ..... but a great leader is followed !!"

04/06/2012 11:21 AM

It is a constant fight to accept the new, thing do change very fast as we get older. We either a learn or get put out to pasture.

Also young people are different. (I do suspect some could only be trained via TWITer). They have grown up in a very different world then I did.

I have just finished a series of branch assists and when I saw interest I was glad to answer questions. But there have always been people who do not want to be trained.They will become very limited adjusters of limited value. I tell new adjusters ask questions until people are tired of you then find someone else to ask. (after 41 years I still ask questions on new assignements or when I see something new).

   It is our duty to the industry that employeed us all these years to be willing to help. That is my story and I am sticking to it.


I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers.

04/10/2012 11:36 PM
Somewhere recently I heard the phrase "Mentor Spirit". I believe that in any occupation you will find folks willing to help newcomers, and others who simply are not, for whatever reason. We learn pretty quickly who is worth listening to.

I am a new person to this field. I chose Adjusting after being in the Insurance Business as an agent, but simply can not consider spending the next twenty years in a cubicle making outbound phone calls.

I have also in my varied career, worked as one of the dreaded stormchasing roofing salesmen. Everyone comes from somewhere.

Most of the adjusters I have come in contact with have been 100% above board and quite professional and pleasant to work with. This is the reason I chose to make the move. I like working with people I can respect.

I have been very hesitant to ask questions of the more experienced folks in this forum, as it seems the answers that new folks get is "Search the Archives". Yes there are hundreds, if not thousands of posts, most with good advice, but it is incredibly difficult to find the specific information you are considering. We do search the archives. I do understand the often asked "I have a license, what next" gets old after the first fifty times heard. However, this type of response quite often will lead to the question unasked, and if someone is afraid to ask a valid question for fear of being ridiculed, then shame on us.

We are striving to become the next generation of Professional Adjusters, and forgive us if we do not know everything, and occasionally ask a common question.

I have been taking all of the training that is available to me on a limited budget, getting on all of the rosters that will accept a newbie and creating a network, both new and experienced.

I will also continue lurking and listening. After all, it is really difficult to listen when your ears are competing with your voice.
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