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Last Post 11/26/2018 11:06 AM by  TXAD
Newbie Questions Experienced Guys Please Help
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09/24/2012 8:28 AM
The NFIP workshop/certification held at the InterContinental Hotel in New Orleans was a true NFIP session taught by H2O. It was free. Just a guess, but there were over 100 attendees and maybe as many as 300. There were people there from as far a way as the NW and Puerto Rico.
"Prattling on and on about being an ass with experience doesn't make someone experienced. It just makes you an ass." Rod Buvens, Pilot grunt
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09/24/2012 8:29 AM
The NFIP workshop/certification held at the InterContinental Hotel in New Orleans was a true NFIP session taught by H2O. It was free. Just a guess, but there were over 100 attendees and maybe as many as 300. There were people there from as far a way as the NW and Puerto Rico.
"Prattling on and on about being an ass with experience doesn't make someone experienced. It just makes you an ass." Rod Buvens, Pilot grunt
Adjuster Don

01/15/2013 10:52 AM
I am a newbie and was willing to do a ride along free of charge in The Vero Beach area/Treasure coast. I do have a Fla License and AIC 35. I have been trying to break into this busness for a year now with no luck.I have a construction background for the past 30 years and recently moved to the area. I am willing to me the what ever it takes to learn guy!

01/18/2013 9:34 AM

Having a similar background, I will try to shed some light in your direction. This advice will probably open doors for some rebuttal from the old timers though (easy Chuck). You need to get some type of certification to show professionalism and competence. State farm will do wonders for this. Look at the sites for Eberls, E.A. Renfroe, Pilot, Worley. Send your resume and try to get on their roster. Find out when the SF certification exam is being offered in Mobile or Dallas and take it. I hope you have money to invest without getting a quick return. Also you can go to a conference this year and pick up California Earthquake, NFIP workshop, and CE credits and network.

When you do get on rosters REMEMBER...there are plenty more adjusters (PLENTY) with years of experience ahead of you. An IA firm will call out adjusters with experience AND who have a license in the state needed, so with that get more than just your Florida License. Did I mention I hope you can spend money without a quick return?

Keep income coming from another source until you start getting called out, because you will, just as many did with SANDY. It WILL happen. Be prepared and know XM8 and be able to inspect, scope, write, and close or you will go home quickly. Hopefully you will have $5,000 - $7,000 to cover expenses when you are deployed as well. It would not hurt to be XM8 certified level1&2 either.

You are 1 step ahead of the game with your experience in construction believe me! Until you can prove your worth you need to show them on paper you are worthy, because that is all they are going off of until an initial deployment.

Good luck, and I hope this helps.
Give them what they want, when they want it, and how they want it !

03/15/2018 10:37 PM
Alex, seriously, do you want this guy performing heart surgery on you?

07/17/2018 6:32 PM
Hi guys, thank you for welcoming me to the community. I received my 620 some months ago and seeking some advice as to how to navigate through this new life. I'm currently hold a Florida and Texas license. I also have a SF Auto cert some xactimate training(still working on it). I'm also a mitigation and mold specialist. I've joined  the roster for companies such as: Worley,Eberl,Pilot etc. What should I do now to start adjusting claims or at least get in with a company that will help with training.

07/17/2018 6:37 PM
If or when hired by a company, are there usually training or do they expect when hired that you should already know how to use their softwares and how to skope damages?

07/22/2018 11:29 PM
Hi tasheeka and welcome! These forums aren't very busy these days - but I'll offer my experiences.
I've been in the right place and made the right friends to get me started and continued deployments. Keep your CATAdjuster profile and a Linkedin profile updated. I've gotten work from both. You won't get much training from IA firms; they will expect you to know the software and know how to inspect and scope a claim. You will get tech support on how to set up Xactimate to write the reports the way the particular firm you are working with wants them, but as far as the components to rebuild a roof... I have only been deployed about ten times, but every time I have had to throw an estimate together based on experience, and wait for it to be rejected so I can speak with the reviewer to find out how they want it done. For examples: Do they allow for a dump truck? Does debris removal go at the top of the XM8 tree or at the bottom? What are the tree allowances? When is O&P allowed? Does the carrier allow for starter shingles? Fences? Screened enclosures?
I started by looking for small companies offering Adjuster 101 classes. And going to conferences. They help me find the companies offering Adjuster 101 classes. I was scheduled to attend one such class on a Monday and Tuesday. Thursday before, I was called and told the class was rescheduled to Saturday; if I could make it, come packed and ready to deploy to Hurricane Matthew. 25 or so new adjusters showed up, only 4 of us deployed - the others were either scared off or "couldn't go" for whatever reason. I stayed with two other adjusters in Florida and went to a war room every night where I found a mentor and got through it. Then I had experience and could follow up with all of the other firms I had contacted previously.
(Rinse, repeat...)
Hope this helps!
Google something like "adjuster initial deployment meeting" for far better information than I am able too give :-)

11/26/2018 11:06 AM
Posted By tasheeka on 07/17/2018 6:37 PM
If or when hired by a company, are there usually training or do they expect when hired that you should already know how to use their softwares and how to skope damages?

They are hiring you BECAUSE you already know how to SCOPE damages.  They will only "train you" in terms of CAT orientation on that particular carrier.  Your resume' should say which estimating program you are proficient with, i.e. XM8, Simbility etc. and no, they aren't going to train you in how to use them.  IF you get hired and you don't already know these things......... it's going to be a really rough go for you... if they even keep you around.

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