Information on Adding your Name to the Roster

Adjuster Estimates

Roster Notice

Please Note:
If you are adding your name to the Roster please check the "Listing Manager" first for an existing listing.   If you see your name in the "Listing Manager" then use the pencil icon next to your name to edit\update the information if needed.   The "Listing Manager" is next to the "Add New Listing" button on the Roster page. Please see the first image in the article below for an example of what you will see.  If you do not see a listing then use the "Add New Listing" to add your name to the Roster.

NFIP Adjuster Fee Schedule

9/29/2023 Update:  "FEMA has revised its NFIP Adjuster Fee Schedule. The revised NFIP Adjuster Fee Schedule will be effective on October 1, 2023, and is applicable to claims with dates of loss on or after October 1, 2023. The 2022 Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) Fee Schedule was not revised."