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4 Replies and 28390 Views Claims Estimate Writing Service  28390  4 Started by  Scottie &160;Anyone ever used a Claims Estimate Writing Service to help with workload &160;I've been using Xactimate since 2002, but haven't used MSB in many years. &160;All of a sudden backed up on Integriclaim estimates. &160; Used anyone in particular Were they easy to communicate with File sharing methods Accuracy Raw data file returned for future corrections Fee Schedules &160; Thanks, any help appreciated! &160; Scottie
4 28390
by  CatAdjusterXJump to last post
07/04/2013 9:50 PM
3 Replies and 6413 Views Anyone from MSB online here? A question for you.  6413  3 Started by  K ung Fu tzu Attention MSB: Ive been running your software for years. No complaints, but at this point, I'm only handling a few handful of claims where the carrier is asking for an MSB estimate some via ComCentral.&160; So few in fact, that I've gotten to the point now whether it's worth it to carry the minimum 3 month subscription or just turn the claims back to the carrier.&160; &160;In years past, a yearly renewal was a no-brainer.&160; Then I&160;switched to the quarterly renewal.&160; Now,&160; ...
3 6413
by  Roy EstesJump to last post
09/23/2010 11:11 AM
99 Replies and 49443 Views MSB, a new beginning  49443  99 Started by  Tom Toll
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 ... 4 )
I spoke with an MSB rep that is a friend of mine and what I am hearing is that MSB, sometimes in late 08, will be coming out with a completely new program to blow the rest of the programs out of the water. I believe this friend and am looking forward to seeing the program come out.
99 49443
by  Ray HallJump to last post
07/18/2010 3:24 PM
4 Replies and 5157 Views How do I make a pdf packet of my Integra file?  5157  4 Started by  Ryan in Houston I&160;have been using Simsol and Xact for years and both have a pdf file option to bundle my package report. &160; I&160;was blessed with work from a new vendor that requires I'm getting used to it.&160;&160;Everything is sent via comcentral, but they want a pdf copy of the file to be sent also. I&160;need to bundle the caption report, photos, estimate, invoice, etc. Any help would be appreciated.&160; Thanks.
4 5157
by  PDBJump to last post
05/11/2010 12:26 AM
1 Replies and 7368 Views Problem connecting MSB/Integriclaim with Windows 7  7368  1 Started by  tragedyagain Using MSB/Integriclaim on a Windows 7 computer. About 2 weeks ago the claim submit/upload option in the program stopped working. Its under the Admin-> Submit Claim option to upload/update the claim progress or submission to examiner to ComCentral. The progress window reports that the photos are uploading, but it pauses for a while and then a message in Red appears with the message '10 of 10 retries have expired' followed by a '1 of 1 reports uploaded. Upload Successful'. Yet, nothing was upload...
1 7368
by  tragedyagainJump to last post
02/24/2010 10:44 AM
2 Replies and 5226 Views Does Integri work on Vista?  5226  2 Started by  sswalker I&160;have used Xactimate for years but I have been trying to install MSB IntegriClaim on my laptop with Vista. I&160;would like to try out&160;the demo.... &160;I&160;keep getting errors stating that is unable to rename a bunch of files during install......&160; I was wondering is this becomes it does not work on Vista
2 5226
by  sswalkerJump to last post
01/04/2010 4:54 PM
4 Replies and 5150 Views Exporting Macros from IntegriClaim  5150  4 Started by  RJortberg Before a subscription to IntegriClaim expires, I'd like to export / save some general macros I created this AM.&160; Can I ask for help on how to do this&160; I have exported claim files to a subdirectory for future reference, and that was&160;no problem, and I also have tried to export system settings, but that did not seem to work, but I am not sure that was the right place anyway.&160;&160;Thanks much.
4 5150
by  RJortbergJump to last post
11/17/2009 10:47 PM
2 Replies and 6059 Views Does Integriclaim have a demo?  6059  2 Started by  Goldust I was wondering if Integriclaim has a demo like exactimate where you can write some practice extimates.
2 6059
by  sdraegerJump to last post
10/14/2009 8:12 PM
3 Replies and 5674 Views which is more learner friendly integ. or xactimate  5674  3 Started by  Goldust Who has used Integriclaim and xactimate and which one do you think is the more user friendly Does integriclaim have a diagram tool to write estimates by , like xactimate
3 5674
by  JimGaryJump to last post
09/14/2009 8:06 AM
4 Replies and 5689 Views Where to order IngegriClaim?  5689  4 Started by  JimWSylvester &160;I hate to ask, because this seems like such an easy question, but I've looked at the MSB site, Gooogled it every way I can think to Google it, and even searched the forms here. &160;I can't find where to order the IntegriClaim demo. &160;I understand it's not available as a download and must be ordered as a dick (presumedly from MSB), but I can't find ANYWHERE the address or e-mail I would send a order request to. &160;HELP! &160;Thanks!!
4 5689
by  hostJump to last post
07/20/2009 10:43 PM
3 Replies and 6711 Views Looking for some 1-on-1 training on IntegriClaim  6711  3 Started by  ChrisDone Anyone interested in some extra money, I will be happy to pay someone to walk me through the basics of IntegriClaim.  I am very computer literate so it will be very easy to teach me, I just need the basics.  Obviously, payment terms will depend on how much time is required to teach me.  I am in the south Florida area, Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties.     Thank you.   Chris Done 954-801-7309
3 6711
by  Roy EstesJump to last post
06/17/2009 7:11 PM
5 Replies and 10059 Views Can you download integriclaim  10059  5 Started by  dnjsdad I would like to download integriclaim, is this option available Or do I have to have them send me the disk    Thank you in advance for your replys,   Dnjsdad
5 10059
by  JimGaryJump to last post
05/20/2009 9:06 AM
2 Replies and 7174 Views Training on IntegriClaim  7174  2 Started by  JohnKennedy Need to train on IntegriClaim.  Closed ~2k files in Xactimate as staff and IA, I'm thinking that some Integri training would better my job prospects the next time there's a big storm.    Anyone know if Integri offers a trial or limited-functionality version to train on  If not, anyone know of a reputable training course for MSB     Thanks
2 7174
by  ddreisbachJump to last post
04/01/2009 5:27 PM
3 Replies and 6011 Views Forgot to change DB's now what  6011  3 Started by  tburfine Ok I pulled a stupid.   I have a large estimate written against the  wrong price db.   Is there a way to change the price db or do I need to rewrite the claim   I would really like to not have to rewrite a 4,000 plus line item claim
3 6011
by  katadjJump to last post
02/17/2009 11:40 PM
5 Replies and 6528 Views Price list issue  6528  5 Started by  tburfine Why are the price lists now read only. If I pay to use the software I should be able to edit the price list as I see fit.   The new Q4 on the web is read only for some reason.   Does anybody have one that is not locked   I am dealing with the same items everyday that are not in the list and I am getting tired of retyping the same info over all the time
5 6528
by  swink_dJump to last post
10/30/2008 8:10 PM
8 Replies and 6589 Views Need HELP - Photos won't upload into Integriclaim  6589  8 Started by  HurricaneTracker I need help asap - My photos won't upload into MSB.&160; I am not new to MSB.&160; I have never had this problem before.&160; My photos did upload yesterday with no problem.&160; However, they are not uploading today.&160; I even called MSB.&160; They walked me through all the steps.&160; Still no pics showing up.&160; I went through 2 techs and neither could figure out what was wrong.&160; Anyone have a solution
8 6589
by  HurricaneTrackerJump to last post
10/17/2008 12:15 PM
4 Replies and 6840 Views Integriclaim Contractor Invoices  6840  4 Started by  texomafun When writing a claim in integriclaim, where do enter a contractors invoice for emergency repair work  The work was authorized but has not yet been paid for.  Do I write in a line item for the repair and the amount, or is there a place to enter contractor invoices "to be paid" so it addes the amount to your invoice
4 6840
by  tburfineJump to last post
10/16/2008 7:06 PM
0 Replies and 5777 Views MSB Q4 Database now available  5777  0 Started by  Tom Toll Everyone take time today to download the new&160; MSB price database if you have not already done so.&160; Remember that your existing claims will not automatically change over to the new prices.&160; This from MSB MSB Storm Databases As a result of the storm activity during the month of September, MSB is actively researching prices in those regions with extensive damages. Research will be conducted on a weekly basis. Each time incr...
0 5777
10/04/2008 7:04 AM
50 Replies and 34114 Views IntegraClaim  34114  50 Started by  Tom Toll
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 )
It is my understanding that MS/B is revamping Intega Claim after listening to many adjusters complain about its functionality. Hopefully the new version will be out early next year. DDS was probably one of the best estimating programs out there. They listened to the adjusters and made changes as they felt appropiate. When sold, MS/B started listening to profits instead of the adjuster. Perhaps they have or are learning that it is the adjuster who buys their product, not the vendors. I try to ...
50 34114
by  Roy EstesJump to last post
09/09/2008 11:06 PM
7 Replies and 6923 Views Tablet PC's  6923  7 Started by  Tom Toll Has anyone used a tablet pc with Intergaclaim. HP has a reasonably priced tablet and I was considering gettin one. I cannot get an answer from MS/B.
7 6923
by  jnhawkJump to last post
07/28/2008 1:23 AM
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