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Last Post 02/14/2011 6:58 PM by  StormSupport
Clunky XM8 inhospitality
 4 Replies
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02/13/2011 7:40 AM

    It's two o'clock in the morning and I'm trying to upload a glitchy group of self-populating documents to complete my claim.  An annoying pop-up keeps jumping in my face telling me I have only 15 more days before my subscription expires.  When I subscribed to a vendor offer two months before my earlier subscription ran out I had two months paid that disappeared in the ether though XM8 sales promised that wouldn't happen.

    I don't want my 15 days to disappear, and I don't want that pop-up screen to keep thrusting itself before my aching eyes.  I click cancel.  I fill in a screen that implies it will not warn me again until 5 days before expiration.  Then XM8 is offended!  It decides, right in the middle of my uploading, to shut me out.  Now I can't connect at all!  I'm sorry!  I didn't mean to offend the lofty ISO gods!  Now I wish I had the screen back to annoy me again so I can send in my claim.

    Maybe if I can get that screen back, I can be more polite and still connect!  I close everything and open back up.  No screen!  No connect!  It's two o'clock in the morning!  I've got an appointment 123 miles away in the morning.  I'm  a bit "clunky" myself, so I monkey with the dates on my computer thinking if I fool XM8 into thinking it's only 5 days away from my expiration it will show me the screen again and this time I can make some kind of polite offering to the XM8 diety!  Don't do that!  XM8 thinks I'm up to no good!  It informs me we have a conflict! 

    Now I can't connect!  I can't upload the claims I've just written.  I can't load XM8 to work my claims in the morning.  I can't even connect to online support to reset whatever I triggered!  I can call sales...but it is Sunday morning; I can't call sales until Monday through Tuesday during normal business hours.  It's a CAT...but keeper of the keys to the XM8 door has banker hours!  Now my claims for Sunday will stack up unwritten!  One of those 15 days I have left...paid for with my good money...goes down the drain with the other XM8 days I've paid for in the past and been denied.

    I've seen others get this weekend slap!  There's little that can be done!  Sometimes working with XM8 feels a bit like a coal miner working for the company store!


    Gold Member

    02/13/2011 11:56 AM

    I'm with ya Randy, I completely sympathize with this issue!!  There are so many times I've found "X" to be user  Unfriendly, and yet it is the 'program dejour"  and we're forced to use it in order to get claims! 

    Sadly, the XM8 diety has weekends off too, and although losses and claims continue 7 days a week, we lowley adjusters have to follow a M-F 8-6 schedule with the program we're all forced to use....

    Why can't we use the program of our choice?  There is another program that is soooooo much better, user friendly and has support that you don't have to pay for each time you call, how is this not a better choice????

    Oh yeah, Makes perfect sense to me!  


    Do the right thing, ALWAYS

    02/13/2011 3:01 PM

    Did you try the Xactimate support "chat?"  It has been a while since I have used it but, the last time I did,  they were open 24/7.  They can't always answer all your questions but they are free and their policy was that you would get a free "phone support" call if they couldn't help you. 


    02/13/2011 6:20 PM
    Things look a little better in the morning after two hours sleep. Got up at four and logged in to Xware. This time I could connect. Fixed some coffee and my wife was up; she was #1 in queue. They reset our program and was good to go. From Dallas to Waco and back, claims inspected. Wife already has them half done. I'm still crazy...just no longer mad!
    Gold Member

    02/14/2011 6:58 PM

    Always helps to have "Tonto" by your side!!!     

    Do the right thing, ALWAYS
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