Adjuster Estimates

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Last Post 08/27/2009 4:37 PM by  idemnow1
Looking for feedback on US Staffing Adjusters
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09/08/2008 5:31 PM

    Has anyone out there had any experience with US Staffing Adjusters and can they offer an opinion on the training and the chances of job placement?


    09/08/2008 9:54 PM
    Us Staffing has a great training program and the instructors are great people I really enjoyed the classes, however if you require job placement US STAFFING WILL NOT PROVIDE THIS, I was told I would get called out if a storm hit , however with all of the storms that have hit this year I have not recieved a call except for Gustav, which I still have not got a chance to work for them, the told me after my first 100 claims with them they would reimburse my tuition, however when Gustav hit they wanted adjusters with min. 3 years experience. I have tried to contact them to see if I could get any claims from all of the storms that have hit, not jus tropical but storms that have all hit all over the U.S. this year and they would not return my call.

    If you are looking for training, the class is good! However I am still trying to get to work, it has been 1 year and therre has been alot of storms this year!
    Good Luck!


    09/08/2008 10:04 PM

    Thanks Chris.  That's a little disappointing to hear but not totally unexpected.   Maybe you'll get some work out of Ike.

    Thanks again! 


    09/08/2008 10:10 PM

    not a problem! don't get me wrong I really liked the classes and believe me I was the type that hated school, just disappointed with what I was told!


    10/08/2008 7:49 PM

    I'm going to be taking their week long Exactimate training class - did you by chance take it?  Was it worth it?  What about their "Adjuster 101"  Class?


    10/11/2008 7:39 AM

    It is Xactimate..........just an FYI

    10/24/2008 2:00 AM
    US Staffing has adequate training but definitely not top rated.  I consider their ADs to be a "come-on" and a scam.   They are always running ads that they need adjusters immediately but this a marketing ploy to get you to sign up for their classes.  I personally know over a half dozen adjusters on their roster and they have NEVER been called out.  One of their senior staff was asked directly if they have any need for adjusters just 2 weeks ago and was told they have no openings.  Personally, I would spend my money with another company that doesn't try to suck you in with false promises of what being on their roster can do for you.

    10/24/2008 8:48 AM
    There are several vendors out there that use the same tactic. Either ads on CADO or other adjuster sights claiming to have immediate need. US staff is just one of them. One uses there adjuster list as a sales list for classes, promising to put you on the "first call" list if you take the overpriced class. Use caution when dealing with these promises.

    I know the voices aren't real, but sometimes they're right!
    Veteran Member
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    10/24/2008 9:52 PM
    Put Vale on your resume and see what happens
    Larry D Hardin
    Ray Hall
    Senior Member
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    10/25/2008 7:01 AM
    Larry hit it on the head. The Vale course is the only course that insurance carriers send their new employees. If you want the best training for the best VALUE, go to ClaimsMentor. If you ask some older adjusters who belong to ClaimsMentor to send you some (blacked out-privacy matters) old reading files this is the best way to learn. I will get active again after IKE. I am still working 16 hrs per day and disapeared since 9/13/08.

    11/10/2008 12:43 PM
    I am a newbie. I did take US Staffings courses in 06. I was deployed during IKE. The experience was possitive and I actually made money. Not much after expences but the fee schedule was better than Pilots. Min Fee Was $285. $1 a pic and $10 fuel charge. I have been paid for most still waiting on aout 10 more and there was 5% hold back. Should be getting that back in about a week. They didnt hold our hands though. They expected newbies to be ready. They did help alittle with off the wall stuff but for the most part they let us sink or swim. I felt like I was drowning the 1st 5 days with 10 scopes complete and no calims closed. Got caught up and closed files the day I scoped. I was working as a team with my mom. That helped tremedously.
    US Staffing treated us faily and overall it was a very possitive experience. At first they didnt think we were going to cut it. The storm manager gave us chance and we prooved we could do the job and even had a coulple of call from insureds stating they had a good experience with the adjusters. US Staffing told us they would reccomend us to other IA firms for work and they wish they had more claims for us. We only got about 60 claims total. I dont think I can blame the low count on them. I have to chalk that up to me not knowing how or when to ask for more claims.
    I reccoment US Staffing to newbies.
    Cat 5 Greedy

    12/01/2008 11:11 PM
    My experience with US Staffing.

    Signed up 2 years ago, jumped through all their hoops of background checks and promise of immediate work, no work, tried to sell me all their silly training and I turned them down.

    Very surprised they offered me work for Gustav, accepted and off to LA.

    Everything when fantastic, great carrier, lots of support, PAID VERY QUICKLY.

    End of assignment, asked for work with Ike NO RESPONSE, NO RESPONSE, NO RESPONSE

    Secured work with another adjusting co for Ike, US Staffing calls an hour later with work.

    Explained to them I can take the assignments but I had to complete assignments from the other company first because I gave them a commitment.


    Completed work with first company, started to work on US Staffing claims.

    US Staffing CAT lead asks why I was working with another company and has a FIT, tells me to make a 120 mile trip to talk to him or I'm fired.

    ALL claims have been contacted and scheduled, 15 have been inspected. Did not go to meeting because of scheduled inspections.

    US Staffing takes away all un-inspected (scheduled) claims.

    US Staffing takes away all INSPECTED claims, BUT does not tell me, or the insured, just sends a new adjuster over to a scared and confused indureds.
    TOTALLY pisses off carrier

    Still waiting for 5% holdback payments (9 weeks)
    Larry Prather

    12/24/2008 1:05 PM
       If you get the chance to work for U.S.Staffing do it. There founder Micky Hamilton got me started in this business.I worked with them in 2005 in Florida and they payed  on time every time.I also worked day claims for them this year. There team leads are very helpful in all situations  and Mickey's daughters and son in law are some of the finest people you will ever meet.As far as there training it might not have the big name Vale has,however you will walk out of the classes ready to work claims.I sent my son through there classes last year and he worked over 160 Ike files with confidence.I was very sad to learn that Mickey had passed away, he was a big help to me over the years.Bottom line is U.S.Staffing is a great company to be affiliated with if you are given the chance to work with them go for it.
    Larry Prather
    Ray Hall
    Senior Member
    Senior Member

    12/25/2008 1:02 PM
    What is the common thread in the three post. I think it the common thread of ALL VENDORS. Assign the  file to a person and give the carrier a name to give to the policyholders. It does not take much thinking to figure this out. It has been going on for 30 years.
    Cat 5 Greedy

    12/30/2008 12:40 PM

    Finally got paid my 5% hold back, but had to call someone at the carrier to twist their arm.
    I think they were being difficult because the Texas incident.
    Good company to work for, I'd work with them again but I doubt they will ask because of the that manager that had a fit.

    12/30/2008 1:55 PM

    Hey I worked Xactimate in 2004 and there are a few changes but not enough to charge the price they charge. Get the book and follow the program alot cheaper and you have it when the storms hit. No one can remember all of that two years later but if you get the base down the rest will happen. No one promises jobs they are hard to find but when a storm hits you find one and five more will call. This is a businees feast or phanton.


    01/16/2009 1:24 PM
    If you want to be successful as an Indepedent Adjuster, you got two choices: you can go work for one of the big insurance companies for at least 2 years. Theyll train you for free but youre only going to make about $45 thous a year. Then you can become an Indepedent. Or, you can create your own business, get a good training program and then on your own become an Indepedent. If you are going to take training, US Staffing and Vale are probably the two best. Theres lots of companys out there that offer these quickie courses - but trust me you will be so lost on a big storm if thats all you had. If the company doesnt cut you loose, youll leave on your own and never make any money. My dad was an adjuster and he trained me during 2004 and 2005 and Ive been lucky working pretty consistently. My husband took one of those quickie courses and I had to completly retrain him in the field this summer. When my cousin and her husband wanted to do this, I told them to take something that lasts more than a week. They went to US Staffing and had a great time. They got on their roster and six other rosters just by having those credentials and three companies called them out. They didn't work for US Staffing because someone else got to them sooner but they said no way would they have made it if they didn't have a full training program.

    If all you want to do is go scope some losses for one of the big adjsuting companys out there and maybe get paid by the hour, those little quickie courses might get you that chance. If you want to work consistantly and be really profitable AND actually know what your doing, take something with Vale or US Staffing. There the only ones that teach you how to make it, long-term.
    Mark Towle

    01/16/2009 9:05 PM
    After reading what everyone else had to say, I had to put in my two cents. US Staffing DOES train State Farm employee's . I know this because I was in class with one of them. I enjoyed the classes that I took at US Staffing and found their instructors to be knowledgable as well as entertaining to keep the class interesting.
    I am a new adjuster and I feel I have to do whatever it takes to be successful. I cannot wait around and wait for someone to hand work to me. US Staffing did not promise to put me on their roster nor did they promise me any work, they did tell me that they MAY invite me to be on their roster.

    01/17/2009 9:37 AM
    I have taken classes at US Staffing, I think the instructors did a good job with the scopng 101 class (Earl Stigler, AIC) they have a mock up and you did the scope and report without the computer, the old way by hand. The Xactimate class was a week long and was easy for me, because of my estimating background. All Lines class was over sold, as TX doesn't get a Fl resident 5-20. So I had to take the FL test, didn't do a FL class. I didn't do the auto class, I believe Crawford or Vale would be better for auto. I am on roster with US Staffing, but not expecting much work from them. The Best training and most realistic training I have received was with; Debbie is ex SF and gives you a real world look at what is left out of other training, the Best $100 I have spent.

    02/16/2009 10:33 AM
    my husband and i are thinking about adjusting. we are about to choose us staffing. the net of what i read appears that the training is good but they do not give you any work. we do not want to spend the money if you can not get work
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