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Last Post 08/18/2009 4:20 PM by  mac3821
Florida Non Resident License
 6 Replies
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08/17/2009 1:02 PM

    I applied online for my Florida Non Resident license last week and was just wondering if any of you know approximately how long it takes to get it. 



    Stu MacDiarmid
    Tom Toll
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    08/17/2009 5:46 PM

    It used to take 4 to 6 weeks. You can check it online.

    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

    08/17/2009 5:56 PM

    Did you already send in your finger print card? Assuming you did not do a digital scan which sends the prints to FL DOI electronically, you will send your hard card to FL DOI by mail, but then they send it to a vendor who sends it to the FBI... those steps, especially the FBI review, can take some time. In my case, the finger print card review took about a month from start to finish, and that was on top of the other processing, so I probably agree with Tom, but it could be longer depending on the above. If you have not sent in your finger print card yet, you need to jump on that ASAP even before you get their letter stating it is an additional requirement over and above the application. Good luck.


    08/18/2009 1:00 PM

    I haven't received the fingerprint card yet.  Am I correct in saying that you can only do the electronic fingerprints in the state of Fla?

    Stu MacDiarmid

    08/18/2009 1:06 PM
    Posted By mac3821 on 18 Aug 2009 01:00 PM

    I haven't received the fingerprint card yet.  Am I correct in saying that you can only do the electronic fingerprints in the state of Fla?

    No, I did electronic fingerprints in Texas.



    08/18/2009 4:07 PM

    No you can get electronic prints taken in other states, but some places do not have electronic capabilities or their capabilities may not be so good.

    In FL, they have central places run by Promissor where you can get it done and i understand that it goes right to the FL DOI. Typically, the police station or jail does it for a fee in other places, and they prefer it to be electronic to go into a national database. But when I went to the police station, the electronic system could not reach a high enough % level for my prints to be accepted... software problem, hardware problem or fingerprint problem, I don't know.  They ended up giving me a card w/ ink prints, and I had to send that in. Then the FBI review, etc.

    If you get the electronic prints done, you avoid the FBI database review I believe since they can do a graphic comparison of your prints to a national database. That's why they need a high % for your prints to qualify.  If you go through the hard card they do a manual background check of some sort, and then they put your prints on the database. 

    Bottom line, try to get the electronic finger prints completed as opposed to the hard card version.  You may have to call around where you are to see who does electronic printing and who does it best.  After the hard card was done here, the lady told me that the jail was better for electronic printing than the police station.  She told me that the jail has a better system and more experience.  Since I had already paid $20 and waited about 1.5 hours, I did not want to go through doing it again just to get an electronic version. 

    If you have not been asked for prints yet, you will, assuming that's the last step in the process, so lead the charge.  Call the FL DOI and ask them what to do next. They will review your file and tell you.


    08/18/2009 4:20 PM

    Good Info.  Thanks. 

    Stu MacDiarmid
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