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223 Topics and 2351 Replies Community Chat  223  2351  CADO is a community devoted to Adjusters and claim handling, however, as with any community there is more to life than work. This forum is here to serve the community and is for discussion of topics that may not be related to work.
A very Tall Flagpole with...
by  host
07/27/2014 6:50 PM
223 2351
A very Tall Flagpole with...
by  host
07/27/2014 6:50 PM
40 Topics and 157 Replies Obituaries  40  157  In memory of our fallen comrades.
RE: Charles (Chuck) Deato...
09/27/2023 12:16 PM
40 157
RE: Charles (Chuck) Deato...
09/27/2023 12:16 PM
29 Topics and 23 Replies CADO Website Support  29  23  Support area for the CADO pages, i.e. Roster, Directory, Resume Hosting, etc
RE: CADO 2022 Upgrade
by  admin
02/20/2022 2:45 PM
29 23
RE: CADO 2022 Upgrade
by  admin
02/20/2022 2:45 PM
24 Topics and 66 Replies Testing Forum  24  66  Use this area for testing
RE: Test post for Pic
by  pondman
01/25/2013 3:32 PM
24 66
RE: Test post for Pic
by  pondman
01/25/2013 3:32 PM

These Forums are dedicated to discussion of Claims Adjusting.


For the benefit of the community and to protect the integrity of the ecosystem, please observe the following posting guidelines: 

  • No Advertising. 
  • No vendor trolling / poaching. If someone posts about a vendor issue, allow the vendor or others to respond. Any post that looks like trolling / poaching will be removed.
  • No Flaming or Trolling.
  • No Profanity, Racism, or Prejudice.
  • Terms of Use Apply

    Site Moderators have the final word on approving / removing a thread or post or comment.