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Last Post 11/26/2009 12:22 AM by  rickhans
US Drywall reported to also have problem
 3 Replies
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11/23/2009 10:29 PM

    CBS just reported on the national news that US made drywall has also been found to have high sulfer content.  They reported that 10 houses so far out of 44 with the same reported symptoms and problems found with Chineese drywall turned out to be made by National Gypsum and Georgia Pacific.  They claim they did lab tests and that some U.S. drywall had higher sulphur emissions than some of the Chineese, but did not give any technical details that would show how bad the emission is, other than finding damage in the houses and health problems.  They insinuated that the tested drywall had a different composition that in the past, saying something to the effect that drywall used to be made of of white gypsum while breaking apart a piece, but gave no info on how it is currently made. A more accurate report should be on the internet somewhere, perhaps on the CBS web site.

    If this is true then the repurcussions will be much worse than what we have been talking about. I don't see how I, or any other general contractor, can sign a contract for a renovation that includes installing drywall if I can't get any that is certified to be free from such problem, and even worse, how I could get liability insurance coverage for the job without drywall being excluded until a testing and certification process is established to make our purchase safe.

    Since this is the very first report I have seen of any US made drywall being involved, and with the history some networks have of inaccurate reporting, I will need to see more info on this from other sources in order to know how to proceed in the renovation business.

    If anyone has any other info on this, please post it.

    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    11/24/2009 12:41 AM
    maybe the U.S. made product was made with Chinese raw material from the same area Knauf was getting it.
    Ol' Ghost

    11/24/2009 8:47 AM
    Hmmm. Maybe Chicken Little was right after all, the sky IS falling!

    Ol' Ghost

    11/26/2009 12:22 AM

    Latest reports on this topic:

    This is based on the cbs news report on TV


    This link is to a news report that talks about the confusing issues and denials involving a lawsuit over supposed U.S. made drywall with the manufacturer not denying that it is defective but that it is not their product.

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