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Last Post 12/20/2011 12:45 PM by  Shotgun1053
how much staff guys make?
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01/07/2010 6:12 PM

    Say, if you are a staff adjuster for Allstate?  How much would you make a year?

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    steve sanders

    01/07/2010 6:34 PM

    Approximately 40-50K per year and car.


    01/08/2010 9:03 AM

    More the a Cat guy sitting at home dreaming of hurricanes.

    I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers.

    01/08/2010 9:46 AM that true? Maybe, then, it is worth to sit back and relax till next event.... I was thinking of may be going staff :)
    Ray Hall
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    01/08/2010 11:04 AM

    Its also the only way to get very good training, you have supervision on ever file you work and you are loaded to the gills with work. Never a shortage of more learning if you can handle it. And they pay for it.

    K ung Fu tzu

    01/08/2010 3:04 PM
    It really depends on how many years you've been with the company. 40-50 is a good start with someone with 5 years experience latching onto a compay. I have friends that started with Allstate and State Farm in the late 80's making about 105-110k.

    01/09/2010 5:26 PM
    Posted By K ung Fu tzu on 08 Jan 2010 03:04 PM
    It really depends on how many years you've been with the company. 40-50 is a good start with someone with 5 years experience latching onto a compay. I have friends that started with Allstate and State Farm in the late 80's making about 105-110k.


    May I inquire, what positions do they hold in those venerable companies? How long have they worked to get to 100k?  I would really consider staff position if they could start me at, say 80k. But having made twice the amound last year I have my reservation. It's a gamble essentially.


    01/09/2010 7:05 PM
    Go and see them, tell them that you want 80k in fact you should demand it and tell them that you made twice that last year. Tell them that it is what you deserve because you bring inexperience and desire to the table.

    I would love to see the jaws drop and the interview end at that moment. That is if you were even to get that far in the process.

    01/09/2010 9:54 PM
    Working staff is almost like a completely different job than an IA job even though it is the same occupation. You will hate getting claims as a staff guy. You love getting them as an IA. You will be given more claims than you can work. You will have to deal with all of the ridiculous things that companies make you do and you have no choice. Like HR meetings, ethics meetings, customer service meetings, tons of worthless conference calls etc. When someone quits or moves you will be dumped with all of their claims and then you will get in trouble for being behind etc. As an IA you are essentially a small business owner. It is a whole different animal but you do get a guaranteed paycheck, good benefits, and in some cases a pension.

    01/09/2010 10:11 PM
    Posted By claims_ray on 09 Jan 2010 07:05 PM
    Go and see them, tell them that you want 80k in fact you should demand it and tell them that you made twice that last year. Tell them that it is what you deserve because you bring inexperience and desire to the table.

    I would love to see the jaws drop and the interview end at that moment. That is if you were even to get that far in the process.


    Yeah, I am kinda inexperienced guy, I admit. But I am what I would call a very smart inexperienced guy. Basically, I made a progress in a last year that some adjusters haven't made in years. Basically, I told Allstate I want 80 to start, and no one ended the interview, they are now "thinking it over". Hell, may be I won't get it, but for sure I am NOT going to work my ass off for measly 50k a year.


    01/09/2010 10:15 PM
    Posted By Bobabooey on 09 Jan 2010 09:54 PM
    Working staff is almost like a completely different job than an IA job even though it is the same occupation. You will hate getting claims as a staff guy. You love getting them as an IA. You will be given more claims than you can work. You will have to deal with all of the ridiculous things that companies make you do and you have no choice. Like HR meetings, ethics meetings, customer service meetings, tons of worthless conference calls etc. When someone quits or moves you will be dumped with all of their claims and then you will get in trouble for being behind etc. As an IA you are essentially a small business owner. It is a whole different animal but you do get a guaranteed paycheck, good benefits, and in some cases a pension.


    From what I hear, you are right. I am so pleased with the way things are now. The only company involvement in my work is when 1. I get claims. 2. Claims go thru QA. 3. I get paid. No micromanagement at all. I mean, I drop in the office from time to time to chat with my supervisor and branch manager and to remind them I am still alive but that's about it. I dont' want to go back to corparate slavery. So, it's got to be around 80k or more with nice benefits that can sway me.


    01/10/2010 8:57 PM
    Staff adjusting sounds aweful after you have a great year as an IA, but you have a different opinion after you have a crappy year and watch your savings account run dry. Plus if you have a family or get married or something like that, then staff becomes a lot more appealing.

    That being said, some of the staff stuff will drive you crazy. One of the big 3 now makes some of their adjusters give out customer service reviews to the insureds and then base their bonuses off it. So you deny someones claim that they think you should pay then give them a customer service survey and base your pay on it.

    01/10/2010 9:41 PM

    Yeah, but if you apply simple math to it, then if staff position pays 50k a year, and you made 150k a year as IA, then it pretty much means that to break even, you should be with no work for 2 years!!!!!!!!!!   Sounds almost impossible. Winds, hails, hurricanes, and so on... I mean a crappy year for IA is what ?  same 50k or 70k ... but you make it in what, say, 4-6 months of pure work. I don't know... really.... I talked to one staff guy in the middle of a huge hail storm, I was on top of the world, and that staff guy looked like he has been beaten by a stick, he was all unhappy, rambling about "those independents, who make tons of mone now".... I don't wanna be like that... :)


    01/11/2010 1:37 PM
    We will see Olegard. If I were you I would not live a lifestyle based on making over 150k a year every year. Because, it isn't going to happen. Unless you know something I don't, you will have bad years. There is no job I know of where someone without a college degree and little experience can land a job making 150k every year of their life. I know plenty of roofers who struck it big for a year or two, bought decked out monster trucks, and lived life like they were Wall Street Tycoons. A couple of years later, they are busted. Just be smart and don't tick off the staff guys cause you may be begging them for a job one day.

    01/11/2010 1:49 PM
    I don't know, man. I save whatever I can and besides I always have a plan "B" :) But, really, I don't see too many complaining IAs among who I know.

    01/12/2010 11:25 AM

    You're correct.  Some things you just can't put a price tag on- like freedom. 

    Carrier's don't offer that and it doesn't matter if they let you work out of your home and give you a co. car.

    Tom Toll
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    01/12/2010 12:32 PM

    Some are just overlooking the fact that your not making $150,000.00 per year as an IA. After expenses and tax, your darn lucky to make $70,000.00, plus the fact that your putting in two days work for every one a staff adjuster works. You just gotta love this business if you want to stay happy with it.

    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

    01/12/2010 2:24 PM
    Stuff guys get taxed too :) As for expenses, yeah, but if you do it right and deduct them from your tax, it's not that bad. :) Say, I put around 23k miles on my car last year, that's at 0.59, hey, I have another paycheck coming.

    01/12/2010 7:26 PM
    Posted By Olegred on 12 Jan 2010 02:24 PM
    Stuff guys get taxed too :) As for expenses, yeah, but if you do it right and deduct them from your tax, it's not that bad. :) Say, I put around 23k miles on my car last year, that's at 0.59, hey, I have another paycheck coming.
    Stuff guys? You are green as grass and have a lot to learn.



    01/12/2010 9:51 PM
    Posted By FloridaBoy on 12 Jan 2010 07:26 PM
    Posted By Olegred on 12 Jan 2010 02:24 PM
    Stuff guys get taxed too :) As for expenses, yeah, but if you do it right and deduct them from your tax, it's not that bad. :) Say, I put around 23k miles on my car last year, that's at 0.59, hey, I have another paycheck coming.
    Stuff guys? You are green as grass and have a lot to learn.


    yeah... I misspelled it my apologies... No doubt, I have lots to learn ... but ... I am young, energetic, with Masters Degree and great attitude, I will manage, let me assure you :)

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