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Last Post 10/19/2012 12:55 PM by  Cissy
Ride Along/Mentor
 3 Replies
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05/20/2010 8:23 PM
    I know it has been asked before, but I am new to the forum and just recently gotstarted in claims.  I am currently going through my training right now for the Texas license.  I was riding along with a IA in the DFW area, but he has since been deployed to the Gulf Coast for claims relating to the oil spill.  I am trying to find someone in the DFW area that would possibly let me ride with them on daily claims because I know the best training for this job is field training.  If anyone is willing to help just let me know.  I would greatly appreciate it.
    Thank you,
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    05/22/2010 6:17 PM
    Nothing against Dallas, but that is the wrong place to look.

    How do I know?

    There is an old crabby adjuster on this website named Ray Hall. He was there at the groundbreaking ceremony for the start of the adjusting industry.

    He is always offering to let somebody ride along with him and he is in Houston.

    So Dallas is the wrong place to look.

    Try Houston.

    05/22/2010 9:58 PM
    One of the great mysteries here at CADO. Why are all the newbies (and those still learning) afraid to take Ray up on his offers? 
    I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers.

    10/19/2012 12:55 PM
    I am a newbie and live in the Beaumont, Texas area. I would love to have a mentor. Is there any one in the Beaumont, TX area that would be willing to mentor me. I am doing a lot of studying on my own. I try to spend time every day working on learning. Right now I am working on certification with Audatex system. I have taken the State Farm certification. I am trying to learn as much as possible so I will be ready when I get deployed. I got deployed at the end of Aug. on the last hurricane for about 8 days. Just no claims were coming in to call center. If anyone is willing to mentor me my email is


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