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Last Post 07/01/2011 10:12 PM by  judojohn1
What certification should I get if any?
 6 Replies
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06/26/2011 8:46 PM

    From you old timers out there, I want a valued opinion on if any of these certifications pay off like, AIC, SCLA, CPCU, etc?

    I was wondering if any of those would advance my career?


    To give you a little about my background.


    I have 10yrs in the insurance industry.


    Started right  out of high school right into an adjuster position with a small regional carrier. I was a multi line adjuster. I adjusted homes, cars, you name it. I did that for 4 years then got on with a large carrier for 2 years and was strictly outside property. Then I decided I wanted to get an education and went to college and got a 4 year BA degree. In that time while in college I was afforded an opportunity to work as an IA working 2 huge CAT's while juggling my classes at the same time. After college I got on in an SIU unit for a large carrier and here I am today. To some it up in a nut shell that is my history in insurance.


    Do you think any of these certifications would benefit me at this point?

    Jud G.
    Advanced Member
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    06/27/2011 12:42 PM
    Jud G.
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    Advanced Member

    06/27/2011 1:02 PM
    To answer your question more specifically, I would get a sense of what designation your carrier values the most. Most of the designations or certifications that are beneficial for cat work tend to be specific for a certain type of claim. When I worked for Liberty Mutual, the people in my region tended to value the AIC and CPCU while the SCLA was less known. A close friend of mine at Travelers indicated that the SCLA was more familiar or the designation of choice to the people in his region.

    The designations you mention are much more broad stroking as they pertain to general claims handling. All would help for cat claims, but may be overkill once you get past the AIC designation. One reason for this is that there isn't as much of a fundamental need for investigating catastrophe claims as there is to investigate daily claims. Very few catastrophe adjusters have an AIC designation and many people succeed without it.

    SCLA covers more ground within the claims environment than the AIC.

    The CPCU is the Masters Degree equivalent designation and would enhance one's understanding of the industry as a whole. The CPCU benefits Adjusters, Agents, and Underwriters equally and its broad scope is great for those who are eager to learn and/or are seeking positions in upper management.

    06/27/2011 1:23 PM
    From what I understand you have to have an AIC certification before getting your SCLA right?

    Or is there another way to get SCLA designation?

    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    06/27/2011 3:27 PM
    Posted By Braden$2 on 26 Jun 2011 08:46 PM

    From you old timers out there, I want a valued opinion on if any of these certifications pay off like, AIC, SCLA, CPCU, etc?

    I was wondering if any of those would advance my career?


    To give you a little about my background.


    I have 10yrs in the insurance industry.


    Started right  out of high school right into an adjuster position with a small regional carrier. I was a multi line adjuster. I adjusted homes, cars, you name it. I did that for 4 years then got on with a large carrier for 2 years and was strictly outside property. Then I decided I wanted to get an education and went to college and got a 4 year BA degree. In that time while in college I was afforded an opportunity to work as an IA working 2 huge CAT's while juggling my classes at the same time. After college I got on in an SIU unit for a large carrier and here I am today. To some it up in a nut shell that is my history in insurance.


    Do you think any of these certifications would benefit me at this point?



    In regard to the term "benefit", I would ask you," do you plan to stay with the carrier you are currently working in the SIU for ? If the answer is yes, then unless you are seeking a raise I would say NO. (Also, asking for a raise at this time from any carrier is probably NOT the best idea at this time:-) IMHO)

    If you are considering coming over to the IA side(I would highly caution you to NOT do that) I am not sure that the AIC or CPCU is really the best choice in relation to working as an IA doing CAT work. I would go further and say that the AIC and CPCU, SCLA would only really benefit you if you were looking to work daily claims or in a SIU.But it seems that you are already in that position with your current employer.

    Braden, I must give you props for working two CAT's while carrying a full class load !!! That is something I could NOT do. I was in my 3rd year of Law school  when I became an apprentice during hurricane during Jeanne. I couldn't handle the load (even with being allowed to study remotely ) and that was just one CAT. I dropped out (for clarity, I had just finished my 2nd year and hadn't yet started my 3rd year)and luckily have had a great career  in the adjusting industry that seems to get better every year.

    I want to ask you a question!  Are you considering becoming an IA based upon the dollars you made from working the two CAT's whilst you were still in school? If you are, understand that CAT work is literally feast or famine. I would stay in the SIU if I were you.

    Regardless what decision you make, I am sure it will be the right one for you and your family.

    Robby Robinson 

    I do want to  


    "A good leader leads..... ..... but a great leader is followed !!"
    Jud G.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    06/30/2011 10:37 PM
    Posted By Braden$2 on 27 Jun 2011 01:23 PM
    From what I understand you have to have an AIC certification before getting your SCLA right?

    Or is there another way to get SCLA designation?

    There's no connection between the SCLA and the AIC designation other than they both involve the claims process.  To your question, "No".

    The prerequisites to secure the SCLA designation are provided here:  

    The AIC and CPCU designations are from the same entity and there are other designations offered by "The Institutes".


    07/01/2011 10:12 PM
    I spoke to the President and CEO of IRMI and his answer was CPCU. AIC is from The Institutes and is a good 2nd choice of designations. The main reason to get a designation is to get a raise. If your employer is willing to pay for the designation you can position yourself for a raise when the economy improves or get another job if you desire. The designation will help you do that. I have my AIC and AINS from "The Institutes" and it has not helped me get a job. It seems the most important thing is "experience" which you already have. So, unless you are not paying for the designation then you really do not need it.

    The SCLA is not an easy designation to get and is not as significant as the CPCU. It is not a bad designation but is not as respected as CPCU. Though I am planning to take a Law Class from AEI - who sell the PCLS, LPCS, SCLA, etc... I did take a Property Loss Adjusting and Subrogation class from AEI and it was ok. But cost $170. The only reason I am considering a PCLS is because once I got it I can gain entry into the SCLA Law Reading room for $60 per year.

    But I can go to the Law School or Courthouse Law Library for Free and read real law books. So... ultimately what is the purpose of getting a designation? In this economy I would hold onto my cash as long as I can. Though I will likely maybe get the PCLS as my final designation and "maybe" the ARM - if someone tells me they will give me a job IF, I have the ARM.
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