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Last Post 05/08/2014 3:09 PM by  SymbilityGuy
 2 Replies
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01/06/2014 8:21 PM
    Has anyone used Symbility? if so what is the general opinion? Integra ceased on 1-1-14...
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    01/08/2014 12:14 AM

    MSB Integra-claim didn't exactly cease to exist,

    they merged with Symbility. Symbility is inherently user friendly, one could reasonably complete an estimate in a few hours with no previous experience.

    Nevertheless, one of the things that Symbility has touted in the UK is the elimination of a field adjuster from the claims equation.;

    "A good leader leads..... ..... but a great leader is followed !!"

    05/08/2014 3:09 PM
    Symbility is dedicated to the effective use of technology to assist in the fast and accurate closing of claims. Technology has allowed claims to be handled in more efficient and faster ways and Symbility has set as a goal to give the adjuster the right tools for accomplishing that task. If you are a Symbility user and have used the system for any time at all you will find that it is both intuitive and powerful at the same time. Although technology can help an adjuster in the areas of efficiency and accuracy it does not replace the adjuster and Symbility has no agenda to replace adjusters but rather help them perform their jobs better.
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