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Last Post 01/23/2017 10:59 AM by  LisaMcFatridge
 2 Replies
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Roy Estes

05/31/2016 8:10 PM

    There are a few carriers I deal with that want their estimates written in Symbility. So I pay them $15.00 per claim, and over 10 claims a month then a flat $150.00 or $1,800.00 per year. 

    I received an announcement from Symbility Senior Vice president announcing that they are increasing their pricing to Independent Adjusters to $150.00 per month for up to 15 claims, and after that an additional $15.00 per claim Well on average an Adjuster will do around 40 claims per month in Symbility that equates to $525.00 per month, and $6,300.00 per year for this program. 

    They have just priced them self's out of the market. I think we should stand up to them and Boycott Symbility. Email your opinions to I think this is ridiculous and not fair.

    "Each of us as human beings has a responsibility to reach out to help our brothers and sisters affected by disasters. One day it may be us or our loved ones needing someone to reach out and help." RC ESTES
    Roy Estes

    06/18/2016 8:44 AM

    WE SPOKE, Symbility listened. Kudos to Symbility for listening to us Independent Adjusters. The New Rates are 180.00 per month for over 15 claims. or you can pay $1500.00 for the whole year, which is in line with Xactimate. 

    I wish the carriers would suck this amount up. From what I understand the IA Firms and carriers pay about the same amount as one Adjuster pays but the carriers and IA Firms get unlimited users and usage. I SAY NOT A FAIR DEAL TO THE INDEPENDENT ADJUSTER. What do you think? 

    "Each of us as human beings has a responsibility to reach out to help our brothers and sisters affected by disasters. One day it may be us or our loved ones needing someone to reach out and help." RC ESTES

    01/23/2017 10:59 AM
    Kudos to you for helping to get the price reduced! Can youorovided the names of the carriers or IA's using Symbility? I am having a hard time finding more work, but do not want to move over to xactimate.
    Thanks for your support!
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