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Last Post 10/11/2020 10:17 AM by  Zakh
Start-up Expenses & Entry Level Positions
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10/11/2020 10:17 AM

    So far my only experience has been one free webinar at, some YouTube videos, and speaking to my own insurance agent as well as a friend who is a financial advisor and insurance salesman. I am trying to build a more realistic picture of what a career in adjusting, specifically CAT, is like. As a career, it seemed appealing to me since I am a full time Uber driver and my work schedule is flexible and I am not hard pressed to find a new job whatsoever (although I'd obviously like to find something that pays better). I liked the idea of traveling, which isn't an opportunity that comes up very often outside of trucking for me, and long hours don't bother me. Nothing about the job description or duties has thus far intimidated me physically or intellectually.

    About start-up expenses ; I really just wanted to know if there was a comprehensive equipment list. I found a few articles online, and the webinar covered most of the basic things as well. Vehicle, ladder, laptop, cameras: the basic, basic stuff seems pretty straightforward. I found a few threads regarding vehicles here on the forum, but not specifically anything that answered my question or would allow me to come up with a expense budget. I want to have a realistic view of how hard it is to start a business as a contractor in this industry.

    CAT vs. Daily. vs. Inside Adjusting

    I read on a few other threads that CAT adjusting was the hardest to break in to for entry level adjusters, and CAT adjusting would be my long term goal. In the webinar, Daily Claims were presented as being the most saturated and hardest to break into. Can I get second opinion about this?

    Daily adjusting or Inside Adjusting by themselves, or a combination of Daily and Inside Adjusting, would be something I wouldn't be willing to do, if the inside work was done at home. Are there inside adjusting positions that allow adjusters to work at home, and how common are they? Where would I look? (I'm located in Texas.) I've dug around ZipRecruiter and just to see how many insurance adjusting listings pop up for my area, and there are a few pages. The webinar said that there are 4 firms that are supposedly the "cream of the crop" that all CAT guys try to get into.Most of the local listings are for typical storm adjusters, however the caviat is that just about every listing requires prior experience.

    Thank you. Those are the basic questions I wanted to start with. I just don't want to accept the image of this industry that was marketed to me in a 1 hour webinar without getting a second opinion, or ten... Any comments are greatly appreciated.


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