Adjuster Estimates

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Last Post 10/28/2022 6:19 AM by  Royce-Roll
Hired with record
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10/28/2022 6:19 AM
    I was recently turned down by Charles Taylor because I have 3 misdemeanors on my record. I was a rough guy in my early years and I got in trouble a few times for fighting.

    This was almost 25 years ago

    I have just been offered an adjusters job with a major insurance company

    Will I have to go through this again. I pass the initial interviews etc and then when background came up with CTA they sent me a letter saying due to my background they were not interested anymore

    These backgrounds go back 30 years

    I have no felonies or theft related. I am very disappointed that something that happened 25 years ago still haunts me

    I will find out in a couple of weeks if the same thing will happen again.

    I guess the question is do all insurance complies exclude you because of misdemeanors?

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