Adjuster Estimates

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Last Post 07/25/2023 1:42 PM by  JKBowman
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07/25/2023 1:42 PM

    How is everyone?  Did I miss the party?

    To the admin who approved my registration,  thanks.   I was excited to run across this format.  I ran a Snitz forum of my own many years ago, but that's another story.  I'm here today to talk about cat adjusting.

    Here's the bio part:  I have a B.S  (Insurance Major) and an ARM designation.  I've been an adjuster (worker's comp), supervisor, and a claims manager for a large drug store chain.  But here's the catch:  That was over 15 years ago and I've never done property.

    Major carear change happened around that time.  I opened my own business, and it's been great.  But once again I'm ready for a change.  My interest and you might say even my heart is in running cat property claims.  My wife even wants to join me.  We already work as a team.  So, I'm just getting started and looking for my entry point.

    If you made it this far, thanks for for reading and thanks for your time.  I really do appreciate this format, and I'm all ears for any advice. 

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