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Last Post 05/18/2007 5:30 PM by  Cat-Man-Do
I've got kids-HELP!
 6 Replies
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05/15/2007 10:08 AM

    Need a bit of help here and all advice or suggestions are welcomed.

    I'm a single dad with three girls ages 16,9, and 6 in Pensacola, Fl.  My prior arrangements regarding care for my kids have fallen through. I've looked on "nanny" websites and several things have made that avenue more than difficult. ( No definite start or end date, the unbelievable salary demands including vacation time and insurance, and the fact that most candidates are barely older than MY oldest ) Does anyone have experience with this issue or know someone who has a working solution?

    Best way to reach me is cell phone at 850-384-5525, but please leave a post here too for anyone else who may benifit.

    Tons of Thanks,



    05/15/2007 11:40 AM
    Very simple idea, get a staff job and be there for your kids. They need you more then they need toys.
    I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers.

    05/15/2007 12:08 PM
    Right on Stormcrow. I agree with you on the kids needing me more than toys.
    Being a single dad also makes me a "soccer mom", a taxi to work, cook, school talent show watcher and a bunch of other assiated titles. That stuff suffers significantly when I'm "on the clock". I'd like to have the stability of a salaried position, but it has not worked out well for us in the past. Seems that being away for a few months has been ok for us.
    Still, Staff position is an idea worth thinking seriously about. Thanks

    05/15/2007 6:07 PM

    Kudos to you anyway for being a single dad with three kids; that is a harder assignment than any CAT duty!


    05/15/2007 8:09 PM

    Tell me about it!   I'm actually looking forward to a "working vacation" anytime after June 1st!  First things first though, Kids must be well taken care of before I can go anywhere.


    05/18/2007 5:06 PM

    I am not a single adjuster, but I do have a little experience in the adjusting with kids department.  In 1997, my husband and I bought a RV and began, with a 4 yr old, 7 yr old and 8 yr old in tow.  We didn't dare tell anyone we had kids, for fear that they would not take us seriously!  They were "phantom children".

    My husband, Kirt, scoped all day, while I frantically pounded out estimates on the old DOS system.  I have to admit, that in 1998 when we started in earnest at the Minneapolis hail storms, those kids ran wild thru the campground every day-"campground grannies" fed them lunch more days than not- as I was absorbed in trying to get all else done!  Every evening, Kirt would review files, and then call to close.  After dinner, the kids would go to sleep and we would print them out and staple them together- ka-ching!

    It did get better!  Much!  We actually traveled non stop for 5 years in an RV with 3kids, an English Bulldog, and all the paraphanalia that was required  back then- desktop computer, fax, printer, copier and PAPER!    Sometimes the kids went to local childcare places, YMCA's, etc, and sometimes they just entertained themselves with climbing trees, fishing, building forts, etc.  We traveled with those plastic tubs full of Tonka toys and water guns- what fun! 

    In your situation, I think you have several options.  Staff adjusting- which, it sounds, is not the best option.  2nd, find that nanny and take her with- a second hotel room and internet schooling.  3rd- Use that 16 year old for childcare, and try to limit your adjusting to summer months.  We did this for a while, and it worked well.  3 intensive months on the road, and then we were available to those kids 24/7 for 9 more months.  THAT"S QUANTITY TIME! Ha!  I DO understand that limiting yourself to 3 or 4 months is tough- our kids did miss a few "last weeks" and "first weeks" of school some years, but never had a hard time catching up.  The other option is to see if you can find one of those jobs that involve file review from your home in those off months, or daily claims, to pad the pocket if the short season hurts your budget.

    What we sometimes had to remember was that storms are very intensive, but when they are over, there is more time for our kids than most 'normal jobs" allow- we have gone on week long field trips, taken groups to theme parks, driven for every outing-- and we love that freedom.

    This year we only have our 16 year old daughter- our sons are now 18 and 19!  She's going to do internet homeschool and be a ladder "boy" for dad- and can hardly wait!






    05/18/2007 5:30 PM

    Thanks Corina,

        I'm trying to get the kids to visit family for some of the summer. That is my "make money" time. The rest of the year I need to be mostly local for my kids. I've been looking for daily work, but everyone promises the world and gives you no work!  If anybody knows a firm who actually needs a daily adjuster around Pensacola and will feed him work, I'm all ears!

    Still hunting more good ideas for quality care for the kids,

    thanks all...

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