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Last Post 12/26/2007 6:56 PM by  Spudder
Anyone NOT carry ladder for 2-story?
 11 Replies
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05/21/2007 12:18 AM

    Guys I was wondering if anyone here does not carry a 24'+ extension ladder access to 2-story roofs.  I have been carrying mine forever but use it about 2% of the time.  I still carry it because I don't want to have to schedule a time to meet up with someone who has one. 

    I get on all 1-story and 2-story 'walk-ups' with my xtend+climb.  I had a little problem with the xtend+climb the other day and looked @ new ones, they actually have a 15' model now.

    If I gave up my extension ladder, I could also give up the roofrack and get 6-7 more miles per.

    Any thoughts appreciated.


    05/21/2007 12:26 AM
    When scheduling your appoinments, do you ask about the roof? One or two story, accessable or not. Maybe if you start doing this you can schedule your two story no access roofs on a particular day.

    05/21/2007 12:41 AM

    So many of the 2-story can be walked up but most insured's don't know that.  I have not been doing double pulls as the carrier states it is verboten, however I have been thinking that could also help on a few.  Still, some (the 2%) are straight-up 2 story. 

    I have simply never been in the habit of asking.  I am working maintenance now so each file has photos and I do know.  Still I wonder how much of a hassle it could be, of course I know it would depend on the area of the assignment.


    05/21/2007 2:36 PM
    I do not carry one. I think there have been 3 roofs in the last year that I have not been able to access. I met roofers out at these 3. It is a pain to call a roofer, but my car gets 30 mpg compared to my old truck that got 15 mpg. After a year of driving all over the country I figure I have saved a few thousand dollars not having a 2 story ladder. I plan on buying a 1/2 ton or compact diesel pick up truck when someone comes out with one (IF they don't-then I will keep driving my old car)
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    05/21/2007 6:34 PM


    As you stated in your post,  a two story ladder is rarely needed.  Even most insureds who think their roof is inaccessible don't have any idea how accessible most roofs are.  I have a 22 foot folding Gorilla ladder that I take with me, but I rarely need to pull it out.  It is about 6 feet long when folded and fits easily in my minivan.  I pulled it out today for the second time this year.  Both times were on claims that had been reassigned to me with permission to hire a roofer to help with the roof inspection.  Both times I saved the carrier the cost of paying a roofer to help me inspect.  The 16' folding Krause ladder serves most my needs.  I got along for years carrying only this ladder with me and using a roofer on the 2 to 4 per cent I couldn't access with it.  Even on commercial claims with buildings in excess of 16 feet, there is a usually roof hatch accessible from inside or the insured has a higher ladder on the premises.

    Steve Ebner CPCU AIC AMIM

    "With great power comes great responsibility." (Stanley Martin Lieber, Amazing Fantasy # 15 August 1962)

    05/21/2007 8:09 PM
    I think I will try leaving it home next storm, my Passat Diesel gets 46 in mixed driving but with the rack & ladder I'm getting 38-30 & I'm tired of the rattling & whistling.

    05/21/2007 11:03 PM
    To stop the whistle, put spray foam insulation in the ends of the rungs.

    05/22/2007 8:09 PM

    I carry a folding ladder in the trunk of a Toyota Corrolla. Have yet to meet a roof I could not access, though I know one day it will happen. Just cant get past that 37 mpg.


    I know the voices aren't real, but sometimes they're right!
    Jud G.
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    05/23/2007 5:32 PM

    Hot dog, after the past three years in the forums, I thought I was the only catadjuster out there driving around in a small, fuel efficient car.  I'm glad to hear the limited few come forward!

    Every time I've been to a full two story house- twice in Florida, there was a ladder there on the premises that I used.  New Orleans was a totally different story and my vendor at the time (and current employer) had purchased a man lift for use on second inspections.  Steve's right, you just can't depend on the insured to tell you if the roof's accessible or not with your ladder.  They just don't know about  double pulls, porches, and the extra 3.5 feet you have on the hood of your car...

    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    08/04/2007 3:56 PM

    As long as it's the hood on your car and not mine.

    Larry D Hardin

    Larry D Hardin
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    Veteran Member

    09/05/2007 1:05 AM
    I always bring a 2 story ladder, so I'm not tempted to do a double pull. As others have said, 98% of the time you can get by with a 16' ladder, but those funky transitions to the 2nd story are often safer to access from a 2 story ladder firmly planted on the ground
    Bob H

    12/26/2007 6:56 PM
    I use a 32' fiberglass OSHA approved 300 lb capacity, this is driven around by a Ford 250 which guzzles fuel , but we have all of the comforts of home.
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