Adjuster Estimates

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Last Post 01/26/2012 9:55 AM by  claims_ray
Typical Phases of Claim Pmt First 3 Years of an Adjuster's Career
 6 Replies
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06/07/2007 8:32 AM

    Just a little insight to all new adjusters on what I have witnessed to be the progression of practice among new catastrophe adjusters in their first three years of claims work.

    Stage # 1:  Demonstrated during in the first twelve months of career

    Mindset: “Conservative” Not comfortable with allowing for large dollar settlement. Willing to ignore scope of damage in order to keep settlement amounts low to avoid perceived internal conflict with employer.
    Consequences:  “Poor Production & Quality of Work”  30-75% of all claims returned by Team Manager to rework, 5-10% (which accounts for all random claims pulled for review) of closed claims returned by Reinspector to correct omissions, All estimates will require major reconciliation effort before any repair professional can begin project.
    Stage # 2:  Demonstrated from twelve – twenty-four months of career
    Mindset: “Liberal” Adjuster overcompensates for mistakes made during first twelve months of career and is no longer concerned with extending large dollar settlement. Has come to believe that an over scoped and overpaid claims translates into stronger production with less problems with customers, repair professionals and claim's management.
    Consequences: “Improved Production & Poor Quality of Work” 25– 30% of all claims are returned by Team Manager w/o payment authorization and will have to be reworked. 5-10% (which accounts for all random claims pulled for review) still being returned by Re-inspector to point out overpayment issues. Adjuster will be required to acknowledge mistakes and in some cases will have to contact Customer and arrange return of draft .
    Stage # 3:  Demonstrated at twenty-four months and beyond
    Mindset: “Accuracy” Adjuster’s focus is on scope w/o concern of dollar settlement amount. This person has learned the problems with speculation and the value of fact. An understanding that accurate scope as it applies to the insuring agreement is the best way to determine appropriate claim settlement.  

    Consequences: “Strong Production & Quality of Work” Trusted by Team Manager who may even raise adjuster’s draft authority. Higher draft authority goes hand in hand with less file scrutiny, greater confidence, unimaginable leaps in production……………


           Hope this helps to expidite your progression through the phases.


                                              KEVIN KRAMER  /  Owner Operator K-Squared Cat Training Svs.



    CatSvs Trained

    07/19/2010 12:30 AM
    Thanks Kevin...  I'll keep that in mind.

    07/19/2010 6:31 PM
    Nice critique. Good thing my mindset didn't last in the phase 1 and 2 for too long!
    Tim Wieneke

    12/21/2010 2:43 PM
    You're absolutely correct. I certainly did this. I think I'm into Phase 3 because on the rare occasion when I goof and pull a Phase 1 or 2, I find it very embarrassing.
    Ray Hall
    Senior Member
    Senior Member

    12/21/2010 5:27 PM

    Roof claims have changed a lot since 2008. Its the  scope of damage from a weather event. Most of the people who really call the shots were trained that roof damage is straight foward and  to follow the experts protocol to pay or turn down as not exceeding the deductible. Contractors and TV attorneys have changed a simple one call inspection and closed file into re-opened files months after the event.


    11/23/2011 8:03 PM
    Hmm, started out on phase 3 my first time out. I guess common sense, thoroughness and attention to detail aren't traits that are expected of folks these days.

    01/26/2012 9:55 AM
    Delusion is!
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