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Forum Discussion: Preparing For Level 2 Certification

Hello, I’m currently using the workbook to get through to complete my Level 2 Certification. I’m a bit stuck on Chapter 4, Interior Practice Estimate C - M-Thomas

It has a staircase with a landing with a second section making a U-Shaped staircase over a pantry. With the upstairs portion beginning at 4’ below the level.

Quick Tip - Xactimate v25: Adjusting O&P Per Claim

In this quick tip we cover issues related to Overhead & Profit (O&P) that you may encounter in the field.  Some clients may request that you handle O&P in a different way then what your current default settings allow.  In those cases you may only wish to change the settings on a selected file instead of changing your system setup. 

Past Articles

Note: Since CADO first went online in 1995 we have had many members contribute to the site with their articles and forum posts.  But over the years many of these post were lost however, we have recently been able to recover some of the articles and forum post and will be re-posting them as time allows.   They will be posted on this page (Commuunity Blog) with a note indicating that it was a prior post. RC

Forum Topics

How many Independent Adjusters out of work Today

Just curious, How many IA's are there out of work today who don't have other income to survive .  How many total adjusters are there in the USA

Posted By: Goldust
Posted In: General
Replies: 35

Another Blow to Professional Adjusting

Xactware and ServiceMaster have teamed up to offer insurance carriers a contents estimating service.  Now the carriers are using restoration cont

Posted By: johnpostava
Posted In: General
Replies: 30

Know your policy

Janice and I worked a commercial loss last week and submitted it for payment 4 days after assignment, through a vendor with a major carrier. This was

Posted By:
Posted In: General
Replies: 37

Poor quality report writing

I just wanted to put in my two cents on how to write better reports. Please check these two examples:   Example #1 (poor quality) When I

Posted By: Leland
Posted In: The Claim File
Replies: 25

Did I mess up?

 I just got hired by Pilot, I guess. They called and said get your paperwork in and get ready for a drug test. The lady told me that she knew the

Posted By: newguy3
Posted In: General
Replies: 50

Stress and Mental Health of Adjusters

Does anyone know of mental health services needed by or provided to claims adjusters suffering from stress related symptoms after a severe cat? I am c

Posted By:
Posted In: General
Replies: 24

Hurricane Sandy

At this time a rapidly strengthening hurricane is going to cross Jamaica, Cuba and the Bahamas. But what then. Some modleing is suggesting a sub tropi

Posted By: stormcrow
Posted In: Hail, Flood, Hurricanes and Weather Events
Replies: 24

Fee Schedules

I think someone should have done this a long time ago.  Let's start a list of fee schedules from different carriers and their preferred IA firms.

Posted By: descher
Posted In: Community Chat
Replies: 15

Claim Scenario for Discussion

  Forum Transfer; First posted by Janice Toll The following scenario is presented for discussion: Ms. Insured notices that the shingles on her

Posted By: Janice_Toll
Posted In: General
Replies: 17

2007 Version of Know before you Go.

My opine is not as good as the experts; but I think a monster hurricane will hit Texas or Florida with in the next 50 days. All new and old adjusters

Posted By: Ray Hall
Posted In: General
Replies: 32


Does it appear to be a lot of work from this storm? Before the storm my email and phone were busy. It seems to have gotten pretty quiet.

Posted By: LucyZ
Posted In: General
Replies: 13

Your Reading Files

Your closed files are the best example of your work. When you are looking at all the vendors who are not seeking your commitment during this very slow

Posted By: Ray Hall
Posted In: The Claim File
Replies: 17

Business Casual

Report of duty or a class- Dress code- Business Casual I have been watching the gathering of adjusters for several years. Seems about 25% know the de

Posted By: Ray Hall
Posted In: General
Replies: 23


Much has been stated about the trials and tribulations of life on the road while working a storm. We all know about the non- stop 18 hour days and the

Posted By: margar1
Posted In: Community Chat
Replies: 16



Posted By: Catmannn
Posted In: General
Replies: 26