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Ladder Safety

This is a repost of the article. We are moving all articles from the old format to the new format.

As hail season approaches we want to remind everybody to think ladder safety each and ever time you grab that ladder. OSHA has reported that the most recent accident statistics suggest that the working men and women in America abuse and misuse ladders in the workplace as a rule rather than an exception.



First Posted on Saturday, September 02, 2000 - 1:32 pm: By: Lyndon

Bottom Line: Too Many Falls Last Year!!

1.) Take time to evaluate your ascension. Look at all slopes and valleys. Two and three story structures call for the utmost of attention and care. Ladder pulls are a particularly risky effort and deserve your utmost care.

2.) Do NOT be afraid to say NO! If you are very concerned about a particular roof, GET HELP! Local roofers are always willing to assist you! IF you ask the carrier, most of the will give their blessing as opposed to having you fall!

3.) A variety of ladders is not a bad idea. It offers you choices that you would not otherwise have.


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Safety and roofs

Speaking of roofs, my driving around the south and central Texas area finds that the developers are building houses in the new subdivisions with roofs that are not meant to be climbed. Steep, cut-up, mostly two stories. The old days of the accessible 4/12 ranch style house roof have been gone since the mid-1980's.

Increasingly, I am of the opinion that a preferred way to investigate these roofs are with a truck mounted crane and lift bucket. Our safety is now, more than ever, being compromised by inherently dangerous roof designs.


Listed below are some links to other blog post and articles on other sites.

Dimechimes ClaimSmentor Adjuster Information Blog 
 Organization Chart for the Claims Handling Blame Game- A Humorous Graph -A Serious Look at Claim Bad Faith Issues
 On the page the above link takes you to you will find links to some of her other articles at the end of the above article.

Article written by John Postava
On the Ryze Claim Solutions webite

You can find additional post from John and Dimechimes in the CADO forums, they have made many post over the years contributing to the community by sharing their knowledge and experiance.

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