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Last Post 08/05/2009 11:25 AM by  GWright
If I was a back street vendor.... I would do this...
 10 Replies
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Ray Hall
Senior Member
Senior Member

07/30/2009 9:27 PM

    I would not charge new people to learn how to scope storm damage. I would be honest and invite them to my office address to learn from the old pro,s who have looked at 50K roofs in their lifetime. Ask the new people to house and feed themselfs for a 5 days. Show them closed files for the first day.(each day is 12 hours). Then roof measurements one day, then inside structure 2 days, then ALE 1/2 day. Then contractors and PA,s 1/2 day. And on the last day photos 1 hr, reports 2 hr, appointments 1 hr, scope notes 1 hr and so forth and then let them ask questions on the files they made notes for the afternoon.

    This way they may survive and make some money for you and them. Oh. get a commitment from the carrier to pay you when they write the loss draft as thats what they do. Pay ever two weeks and you may not have the reputation of being a back street vendor. New people have to be trained and these schools are ripping these poor soles off. They can learn estimatics on their own time, while at home with no expense.





    08/03/2009 2:11 PM
    Aint nothin in life for free my friend. And there is no such thing as a guarantee of paying anything regardless of what you think.

    Learning Xactimate at home? Thats one of the best jokes Ive heard in years.

    Obviously you have an extreme vendetta against upstart independents. Where are the newbs gonna get their starts Ray? Not everyone can go to work for an insurance company for 3-4yrs and get free training. Lots of folks are laid off and the job market out there for staff is not what it used to be.

    You seem like a very senior member of this site, but its a little bit of an injustice for you to paint an unrealistic picture for people just getting into the industry. Ever heard of doing you time or paying your dues? And learn adjusting storm losses in 5 days? Really?
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    08/03/2009 3:19 PM

    Ray, hate to tell you, man! I count six days there.

    Guess the teacher held them over to teach them not to be "hit and run" Texas Adjusters.

    Steve Ebner CPCU AIC AMIM

    "With great power comes great responsibility." (Stanley Martin Lieber, Amazing Fantasy # 15 August 1962)
    Ray Hall
    Senior Member
    Senior Member

    08/03/2009 4:18 PM
    I will try to get Mr. Wrights attention with this statement that I have made for several years. No you can not get the training you need in 3 days license school, a 5 days xmate school, or a five day scope school. I think it takes about 400 hours classroom with homework to become a competent property adjuster.

    Who offers a school that can give a person 400-500 hours ...None. Based on the cost of about $16.00 per hr. for a 8 hr day that most of these schools charge. Mr. Wright you have confirmed what I have known for years, these schools are a waste of time. Its kinda like a math major stopping with long addition in arithmetic.... still a long way to go.Seems I have seen your name pitching a Texas School.... is that you?

    08/03/2009 6:52 PM
    The Crawford property school I went to was for 4 or 5 weeks, 4 I think. They paid you your salary, lodging, per deim and you could eat breakfast and lunch in their cafeteria for $ 4 - $5 a throw. When I left that school there was not ANYTHING you could tell me about adjusting a property claim. My my. what a fella that know everything can learn in the next 5 years. Get yourself deposed on a denied arson claim by a pltf atty and see how much you know.
    Tim Johnson

    08/04/2009 9:54 AM

    GWright......It sure does seem like you jumped on several different threads and gave some pretty strong opinions right off the bat!  If you had read any previous threads or posts you would see that many of the assumptions you have made about other parties are incorrect..........You must have got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning....

    Stu MacDiarmid

    08/04/2009 5:31 PM

    From GWright.......... "Learning Xactimate at home? Thats one of the best jokes Ive heard in years"

    I have to say I am not laughing, but smiling though.

    This is for those that may be wanting to use Xactimate, it can be learned at home if you have the training manual and the training DVD from Xactimate.
    It is tough but you can get started by reviewing manual and using the demo trial to get started. That is how I learned in 05 and then Katrina hit & I went to work with State Farm. I was not the fastest but that takes repetition even if you went to a class given by a school. I have since picked up new things at different seminars on sketch and the program itself. It is a never ending experience as it seems they change with each new upgrade.

    I also learned DDS in 1998 on a storm when it was required and just some help by making a phone call to another adjuster working the storm. It was more usere friendly. Before that I had used DOS version of Boeckh so I was not new to estimating programs.

    SO before you invest in a school, try learning from a manual, training DVD and then if you would need to take a training session, you are ahead of the curve.

    Ray Hall
    Senior Member
    Senior Member

    08/04/2009 5:47 PM

    Aw John, I was just about to get my certification school for fence adusters off the ground and you come along and say it's its a waste of good money . Its really a bargin as the wife gets hers for free.


    08/05/2009 10:19 AM
    To my knowledge I have plugged no Texas school and I'm not from Texas?

    Are you currently engaged in a fued or something?

    I guess the only ones that can fire off hot sports opions are the moderators on this forum.

    Tom Toll
    Moderator & Life Member
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    Senior Member

    08/05/2009 11:06 AM
    Posted By GWright on 05 Aug 2009 10:19 AM
    To my knowledge I have plugged no Texas school and I'm not from Texas?

    Are you currently engaged in a fued or something?

    I guess the only ones that can fire off hot sports opions are the moderators on this forum.

    There are two moderators, Tom Toll and Steve Ebner. We sometimes fire off shots when it is necessary, but we also delete or modify nasty comments.


    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

    08/05/2009 11:25 AM
    Tom Ive never heard or had a nasty or negative feedback from you so I apologize if you thought that was meant for you. I should have said senior members I guess.

    Ray Hall seems to be full of good info but also full of hate at the same time. I will give him this though, he does seem to have a very loyal following.

    Thanks for your comment.
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