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Last Post 09/23/2010 7:51 PM by  lern1079
Newbie needs tips
 2 Replies
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09/21/2010 11:02 PM

    Hello everyone,

    This is my first post so let me briefly introduce myslef. I am starting out in the field adjuster position . I am currently employed by a large insurance company. I have prior claims experience but not related to property adjusting and I have never worked in the field. I will work mostly locally but will periodically be deployed and have CAT duties.

    I need your assistance in a few areas and with whatever other advice that you guys are willing to give.

    1. Time management tips/advice

    2. Any tools used to make more efficient use of your time. Anything from manual tools to software. Not necessarily the most obvious ones like a car, GPS, laptop, etc. as the company provides these tools.

    3. Commercial vs Personal adjusting/estimating. Your preferences, pitfalls, difference and complexities.

    4.Any tips/tools and advice to work more efficiently without losing the quality of your claim handling.

    5.Possible career paths


    Any bit of advice no matter how miniscule or in-depth would be more than appriciated.



    Tags: FAQ

    09/23/2010 10:13 AM

      The best place to start on this forum is under the heading getting started.

    You need to know your Policy inside out forwards and backwards. As for time management everyone finds their own method of doing their claims.

    You will be given a criteria of daily , Monthly and annual goals of how many claims they expect you to complete on these different basis.

      You will have a chance for many different training classes take as many as you can . DOn't be afraid to ask questions. In fact don't guess on any issues you run into. As for residential or commercial don't shy away from any of it. There are some differences  and there are many similarities.

      You need to become confident in any claim they give you. This will come with experience.

    remember above all you are out there to "HELP" your insureds so make sure they know that's why you are there. Remember the Golden Rule

    for each and every insured . I like to say we are out there to get them everything they need to be made whole again as quickly as possible.

    Remember nothing more nothing less. There are going to be good and bad contractors and Public adjusters. Don't Lower your standards for anyone.

    There are no shortcuts in this business. have compassion for the people you are helping and always be sincere. In a short time you will be able to pick up on someone trying to take advantage of situations do not deviate for these type of people. You are the captain of these claims you must maintain control of  each and every situation .

    There is much more but you will have to learn these things OJ, on the job.

    Good luck and whenever you work with independent adjusters remember they are there to lighten the load for you.


    09/23/2010 7:51 PM

    Thanks for your input Goldust

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