Adjuster Estimates

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Last Post 05/01/2011 11:21 AM by  Ray Hall
How do I get started?
 10 Replies
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10/08/2010 1:01 PM
    I have a Tx all lines license and passed my Ga exam. How do I get in with a company to get started?
    Tags: FAQ

    10/08/2010 4:56 PM
    Learn how to search topics and read, then when you have finished the 100s of pages on this question, come back and ask some educated questions if you have nay.
    Life is like a sewer, what you get out of it depends on what you put in it
    Ol' Ghost

    10/08/2010 5:23 PM
    We're not accepting applications at this time. Thank you for your interest and we wish you success in your future endeavors.

    Ol' Ghost

    10/08/2010 5:30 PM
    Olderthendirt and Ol'Ghost are both right (you will aslo probrably hear from Ray), and you have just hit your first snag as an adjuster. If you want help on this site it is a VERY GOOD idea to read ALL of the old posts starting with the training forum. Most of the initial questions have been asked and answered there. When all of this information has been assiliminated you will be in a better position to participate in the active topics, mainy by asking questions that are based on the current forum that has been applied to the information gained while reading the forums. There is a LOT of help and information on this web site. The information is there for those that take the time and effort to read and learn. There is a LOT of help for the newbie, I am one of them, from the old hands that can see that you are willing to work to learn rather than be spoon fed. Most of these old hands will give you somewhat of a hard time to test your determination. If you are determined, they will help.
    Jim Acree Stupidity is the art of not trying to learn Ignorance is the lack of opportunity to learn I am ignorant

    10/14/2010 12:56 AM
    Apply yourself!

    10/14/2010 10:02 AM

     If you want to waste $5,000 then still not have a job, we are starting a new unemployment slush fund for old adjusters. You can start by sending your school and license money to me and I will call you when it's time to get into adjusting.
      There's no sense in throwing your money down a rat hole when you could put it to good use. Oh yes go back to whoever suggested you look into Adjusting and tell them you changed your mind and don't talk to you anymore.
     If you are young enough join the marines they could use a few good men!

    10/14/2010 10:38 PM
    Jerry has made a good point, with the current lack of major storms there is not much of a chance for deployment unless you have a lot of claims and storms under your belt. On another of the forums a comment is made that the current dirth of work will seperate the men form the boys, meaning the people that really want to do this and not just the ones that see a way to get rich quick. If you in fact want to do this and have no experience, just a new license, you will have to get on every roster you can, attend all of thier traing that yu can afford, keeping updating your resume with each certification, or license you obtain, and try to get any kind of experience in construction that you can show. With that kind of persistance you MAY get a few standby calls, and if adecent storm hits (Hail , Tornado, Fire, etc) you may get called out. Right now though all you can do is to show persistance if you can afford it with no chance of income.
    Jim Acree Stupidity is the art of not trying to learn Ignorance is the lack of opportunity to learn I am ignorant
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    10/15/2010 7:34 PM
    Posted By jdacree on 14 Oct 2010 10:38 PM
    Jerry has made a good point, with the current lack of major storms there is not much of a chance for deployment unless you have a lot of claims and storms under your belt. On another of the forums a comment is made that the current dirth of work will seperate the men form the boys, meaning the people that really want to do this and not just the ones that see a way to get rich quick. If you in fact want to do this and have no experience, just a new license, you will have to get on every roster you can, attend all of thier traing that yu can afford, keeping updating your resume with each certification, or license you obtain, and try to get any kind of experience in construction that you can show. With that kind of persistance you MAY get a few standby calls, and if adecent storm hits (Hail , Tornado, Fire, etc) you may get called out. Right now though all you can do is to show persistance if you can afford it with no chance of income.


    Even though you haven't adjusted claim one, I have alot of confidence in you.

    You speak and write well and seem to have your head on straight and have a strong command of the task before you.

    I wish you the best and I feel you will do well in this industry. On another note I run a site for new adjusters and I think they would be well served to hear from one of the more competent , senior new guys like yourself.
    Drop me a line at the below address in my signature and I will give you more info if that is something you would like to do.


    Robby Robinson
    "A good leader leads..... ..... but a great leader is followed !!"

    04/30/2011 10:05 PM
    Hi Elden,

    What Older Than Dirt mention is a excellent idea on doing your research on this site and read what other experience adjuster have to say, I started off doing the same looking on how the policy covers the whole roof to "like kind" and this $50 for resealing the each shingle that some insurance agents were doing here in Houston, TX during Hurricane Ike.

    I'm also completed my 7 day course in Fundamentals & Xactimate 27 and just received my Texas All-Line license from TDI, but with a strong back ground in new construction, rehabs, and 2006 International Residential code, what I am lacking is the experience in volume of claims, despite that I've done over a dozen claims during "Hurricane Ike", I feel that I can be a good asset to the insurance company with my construction and property evaluation experience that can get me in the door. Which with-in time, I plan to do my continuing education with Haag’s Engineering as a roof and structural inspector after I complete my 2009 Residential Builders Inspectors Exam with the ICC or whatever come first.

    I have found that to get the experience that they are looking for, you might want to look for Restoration Company, they are seeking for Independent Adjuster (IA) all the time to work as a claims consultant or write Xactimate claims.

    Another option is Public Adjuster, but most insurance company might not want to hire you after that, for this is what I was told. In Restoration Companies, you can make about 7% of the claim, watch out, they both have very creative strategies on how you get paid, so be quiet and listen and write the 50 different equation down, it sounds too good to be true since you have to do all the leg work almost as the contractor, so why need them, when you can look around and evaluate roof from the street curb yourself "THE EXPERIENCE".

    Good Luck and hope to see you on the field :)
    Eric Ramirez, GMB, IA (Graduate Master Builder, Independent Adjuster)
    Ray Hall
    Senior Member
    Senior Member

    05/01/2011 10:21 AM

    I saw an add for xmate 27 people to write estimates from home for $30.00 each with a 48 hour turn around time. If you can do this it would give you a nudge out the door. Thousands of claims nationwide and thousands of new people needed; but lots of bad things can happen. Just try 2 or 3 and see if you can perform from home.

    Ray Hall
    Senior Member
    Senior Member

    05/01/2011 11:21 AM

    Some of you new people could estimate your own house for tornado damage. Just assume all the roof was lifted off and blow away this is the type off losses you will see This would be a loss of tens of thousands of dollars to the building, contents and additional living expense. Use a HO-3 polcy form or your own policy(better) send it to several vendors and if you can do this someone will take you on.

    Scope just assume the top plate with blown away with the ceiling joist. Water and wind would total out all the funiture and contents and all the standing walls would be wracked.

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