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Last Post 10/09/2007 10:17 PM by  iCAT
Xactimate 25 conflict with Simsol
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10/02/2007 10:02 PM

    Be very careful from what I just heard the other day installing xactimate will compromise your Simsol program if it is already loaded on your CPU. The source was tech support guy with Simsol and he stated it delets core files in Simsol. I would think this maybe an issue that would I would be very wary of, since I feel xactimate is an inferior program compared to Simsol. Even though I am not a fan anyone should be very careful when proceeding with an xactimate 25 install. You should of course back up you data for Simsol or use xactimate on another CPU. I have close to 1,000.00 claims on my system and I would be highly pissed if this senario happened with me.

    We get it right the first time

    10/03/2007 9:31 AM


    Thanks for the kind words about Simsol.  If you go to the Simsol forum, one of our tech supports posted a message.  When you install X25, for some strange reason it deletes all the user's printers.  Simsol does not run without a printer being installed because it needs to know margin sizes for all the windpool, flood and insurance forms it has in its forms libraries.  The user must re-install at least one printer and then Simsol will run just fine. X is aware of the issue and it should be corrected shortly.

    Also, if some of those 1,000 claims you have on Simsol are closed, you should archive them or place them on a portable hard drive. Your Simsol will run more efficiently with lesser a number of claims.  I use a memory stick that works very well.  I can still get access to all my older claims without having to go through the archiving process.


    10/09/2007 10:17 PM
    Really, wow thanks John. Thats cool. As always Simsol is the software I prefer. I will try the memory stick, I actually have a couple I can use. Thanks again.
    We get it right the first time
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