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Last Post 01/04/2013 11:24 AM by  DStin214
Repost: Just got 58 new claims, what do I do now?
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10/31/2006 9:43 PM

    First posted by Clayton Carr in the forum archive:  You can read the replies by clicking here and add your own replies if you wish to this thread.


    Newt, here is a new thread for you or whoever else may be interested. Again, I emphasize that each topic like this should have its own identifiable thread, so as in the event that it develops into anything, and as a result has some future value, it can be found.

    Here is the scenario - stick within its framework - consider it 'real' and start to develop your own 'flow' as opposed to relying on others, and offer it up for critique and refinement if necessary. Maybe by the time it has gone through the grinder, if there is sufficient participation, it will evolve into a useful general template.

    A fairly significant hail storm ('hail' used because it is the least cumbersome peril regarding the effect the damage has etc) passed through ClaimCity on Thursday May 1/03.

    Saturday May 3rd at 9.00AM a vendor called you and after a 'know before you go' chat (which is not part of this thread) you agreed and were deployed by the vendor.

    You agreed during the above call on Saturday May 3rd at 9.20AM that you be in ClaimCity - which is 1,200 miles from your home where you took the call - in time to attend the storm orientation meeting at the vendor storm office in ClaimCity, on Sunday May 4th at 8.00PM.

    At that storm orientation meeting Sunday May 4th you were presented after the meeting with 58 new claim files at about 10.00PM, and told they were all in one county.

    This was your first deployment, and although 40 other adjusters were at the meeting, you only recognize a few other names, and as everyone else leaves the meeting; you are at that point alone and like everyone else have an armful of new files.

    You accepted these 58 new files, agreeing with the vendor supervisor, that you would DO the following;

    (a) 'contact' all insureds within 24 hours, i.e. by Monday night

    (b) 'attend & inspect' all claims within 7 days, i.e. by evening of May 11th

    (c) 'close' all claims within 14 days, i.e. by evening of May 18th

    (d) 'provide a regular flow' of closed files to the storm office, starting Tuesday May 6th

    (e) 'attend' the storm office at least twice weekly

    (f) 'call' the storm office at least twice daily

    Now, within the parameters of this 'scenario', develop your 'flow' in point form. Starting with the first thing you would do after hanging up the phone from the deployment call, through to being signed off by the vendor on the evening of May 18th or thereabouts.

    There is no room in reality for 'maybe & if', stick to the scenario - what is your 'flow'? This thread is NOT about how to adjust a hail claim, it is about leaving home prepared, getting to where you have to be in time, accepting your assignments, and the organization required to complete the tasks.


    11/01/2006 8:16 PM

    From the time I hang up the phone at 9:20AM, Saturday, May 4th I would do the following:

    1.   Find a hotel in ClaimCity and book a reservation for May 5 - 19.

    2.   Map driving directions and calculate departure time so as to arrive at hotel 2 hours before JIT meeting.

    3.   Service vehicle for trip.

    4.   Pack clothes, tools and office equipment in vehicle.

    5.   Withdraw cash for trip and make sure debit/credit cards are in my wallet.

    6.   Depart

    7.   Arrive at hotel, check in and unload vehicle.  Set up office in hotel room.

    8.   Attend JIT meeting and accept claims.

    9.   Return to hotel room and map out claims on Microsoft Streets & Trips.  Group together in clusters to inspect 4 on Monday and 9 each day thereafter.

    10.   Monday, May 5, 7:00AM - Begin making 1st contacts and scheduling appointments with insureds who answer and leave inspection information on answering machines with call-back # for assistance.  Tell them I will be there during a 2 hour window (give specific hours; i.e. 8-10AM) on the day I have mapped them for.  Allow for any emergency inspections that need to be bumped up.

    11.   Immediately after 58th contact or attempt to contact, begin inspections for Monday.

    12.   Monday, May 5, 6PM - Attempt to contact insureds who did not answer this morning.  Write claims inspected today.

    13.   Tuesday, May 6, 8AM - Turn in closed claims written last night to office.  Inspect claims plotted for today, calling in to the office at 11AM and 4PM.  Call any remaining uncontacted insureds and write claims for Tuesday.

    14.  Wednesday, May 7, 8AM - Turn in closed claims to office, then begin inspections calling office again in the afternoon.  Write claims after inspections are complete.

    15.   Thursday, May 8, 8AM - Turn closed claims to office.  Inspect today's claims calling in to office in the afternoon.  Write claims after completion of inspections.

    16.   Friday, May 9, 8AM - Turn in closed claims to office, then inspect claims for Friday calling in to office in the afternoon.  Write claims after completion of inspections.

    17.   Saturday, May 10 - Inspect claims and write them upon completion of inspections.

    18.   Sunday, May 11 - Inspect claims for the day and do something personal for down time (movie, sightsee, etc.)

     19.   Monday, May 12, 8AM - Turn in closed claims to office and ask for more if they are available.  Continue to write inspected claims and make follow-up calls on any unresolved claim issues.

    20.   Tuesday, May 13 - Sunday, May 18 - Repeat previous day.

    During the inspection and writing progress, I will undoubtedly run into issues that require answers from outside sources regarding policy, coverage, priors, co-insurance, pricing of specialty items and possibly ALE.  These issues will be addressed on a daily basis and expedited as soon as possible.  When all claims are closd and accepted by carrier, ask for more claims one final time.  If there are none, thank everyone I had direct contact with and leave site.

    Work Hard - Play Hard

    01/04/2013 11:24 AM
    First and foremost you need to call your 58 appointments to schedule an inspection date. Insurance companies are EXTREMELY picky when it comes to contacts. Most insurance companies you will represent will want you to contact them within 24 - 48 hours of receiving the claim. I've known new adjusters to be threatened with DNR (Do not rehire) aka fired, because they did not reach out to their contacts in a reasonable amount of time. If you wanna' look like a stud muffin, take the first 2 days of your storm deployment and focus solely on calling your appointments and scheduling them. That will get you in good graces with your management. Always ask for a ride along with one of your higher-ups if you need help or supervision with a claim.
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