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NFIP Adjuster Fee Schedules – Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Revision

Effective on October 1, 2023

" FEMA has revised its NFIP Adjuster Fee Schedule. The revised NFIP Adjuster Fee Schedule will be effective on October 1, 2023, and is applicable to claims with dates of loss on or after October 1, 2023. The 2022 Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) Fee Schedule was not revised."

Ladder Safety

This is a repost of the article. We are moving all articles from the old format to the new format.

As hail season approaches we want to remind everybody to think ladder safety each and ever time you grab that ladder. OSHA has reported that the most recent accident statistics suggest that the working men and women in America abuse and misuse ladders in the workplace as a rule rather than an exception.


Cat Adjusting as a Profession (Is It For Me?)

Article Archive

From the Article Archive 
Title: Cat Adjusting as a Profession (Is It For Me?)
First Posted: Friday, November 26, 2004
Author: Gary White



My son is now ready to go to college away from home and excluding approximately 21 months in an attempt to try something different in my life as a "financial planner", I have been adjusting, supervising or investigating claims for almost 27 years. By the way, I have worked my share of hail, wind, tornado and hurricane cats for other carriers so I know from whence I speak. Even during the time while I was trying to become a "financial planner", I supplemented my income with adjusting temp jobs and contract adjusting work.



2023 Standard Flood Insurance Policy (SFIP) Commentary

Source: NFIP WYO Company Bulletins

" FEMA is pleased to announce the release of its SFIP Commentary. The SFIP Commentary complements the NFIP Claims Manual (June 2023) by helping claims professionals quickly find current NFIP guidance relevant to key provisions and concepts contained within the Standard Flood Insurance Policy. The Commentary primarily refers to the Dwelling Form but highlights points of difference with the General Property and Residential Condominium Building Association Policy (RCBAP) as applicable."

NFIP Claims Manual Effective June 1, 2019

National Flood Insurance Program

The purpose of the NFIP Claims Manual is to improve clarity of claims guidance to WYOs, vendors, adjusters, and examiners so that policyholders experience consistency and reliability of service. The manual provides processes for handling claims from the notice of loss to final payment.

All NFIP bulletins, other than those announcing Flood Insurance Claims Office numbers, Flood Response Office locations, claims adjuster briefings, and current/future program changes, are superseded by this manual and of no further effect. 

Source: NFIP

Forum Discussion: Preparing For Level 2 Certification

Hello, I’m currently using the workbook to get through to complete my Level 2 Certification. I’m a bit stuck on Chapter 4, Interior Practice Estimate C - M-Thomas

It has a staircase with a landing with a second section making a U-Shaped staircase over a pantry. With the upstairs portion beginning at 4’ below the level.

New York Temporary Adjuster Permits

"Governor Kathy Hochul today directed the Department of Financial Services to issue Temporary adjuster Permits to qualified out-of-state independent insurance adjusters, in order to expedite insurance claims in light of the winter storm impacting the Buffalo and Watertown areas. Expediting permits will increase the number of adjusters available to process claims and help New Yorkers get their claims paid faster. Insurers are encouraged to make any necessary applications on the Department of Financial Services website.  "

The above is from a 11/21/2022 Press Release, clicking the Read More will take you to the Press Release.


National Insurance Producer Registry

National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR) website provides information on Adjuster Licensing, you can click on the article title above or follow the link below to go to their State Requirements page;

State Requirements 

NFIP Coverage Comparison as of December 31, 2000

Comparison of the NFIP Dwelling Form, General Property Form and the RCBAP form

This chart shows provides a coverage comparison of the following NFIP policies. 

The Three Policy Forms 
There are three policy forms – Dwelling Form, the General Property Form, and the 
Residential Condominium Building Association Policy. Each is used to insure a different type 
of property. All, however, contain certain terms and condition (e.g., Mortgage Clause, 
Reformation of Coverage) that are unique to flood insurance.

source: NFIP

Earth just had its 7th-warmest January on record

Polar sea ice coverage was below average for the month

Source: NOAA 2/12/21 Article

True to trend, Mother Earth kicked off 2021 with a balmy January that ranked 7th-warmest in the temperature record, according to scientists with NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information.

Warmth took its toll on sea ice as well, with below-average ice coverage observed at both ends of the planet.



S.C. Private Flood Insurance Act Enacted, Aims to Make Flood Insurance More Accessible

Source: SC DOI Press Release

From the September 30, 2020 Press Release

"Columbia, S.C. – Monday, Governor Henry McMaster signed the South Carolina Private Flood Insurance Act into law (S. 882). This Act aims to foster innovative flood insurance coverage in South Carolina, allowing insurers the ability to test products in the market and offer consumers greater choice for flood insurance coverage. "

Commissioner Lara urges insurance companies to cover reimbursement costs for those displaced during wildfires

California Department of Insurance

News: 2020 Press Release

For Release: September 3, 2020

Media Calls Only: 916-492-3566

Email Inquiries:

Commissioner Lara urges insurance companies to cover reimbursement costs for those displaced during wildfires

LOS ANGELES, Calif. — To assist Californians displaced by the current and recent wildfires throughout the state, Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara issued a Notice to all California property and casualty insurance companies urging them to cover Additional Living Expenses (ALE) for those policyholders who remain under mandatory evacuation or whose homes are otherwise inaccessible or uninhabitable due to the wildfires.

Quick Tip - Xactimate v25: Adjusting O&P Per Claim

In this quick tip we cover issues related to Overhead & Profit (O&P) that you may encounter in the field.  Some clients may request that you handle O&P in a different way then what your current default settings allow.  In those cases you may only wish to change the settings on a selected file instead of changing your system setup. 

NCJUA/NCIUA Approved Catastrophe Adjusters

Updated: 3/24/19

The North Carolina Joint Underwriting Association (NCJUA), also known as the FAIR (Fair Access to Insurance Requirements) Plan, is a tax exempt association of insurance companies licensed to write and engage in writing property insurance coverage in North Carolina. The Association was created by law to act as a market of last resort to provide adequate basic property insurance to property owners having insurable property in North Carolina.

The above is a quote from their site. 

NFIP Training Available Online

The NFIP offers free online courses in basic and advanced flood insurance topics through the FEMA Emergency Management Institute. NFIP Training courses are free and open to anyone. Click on a link below to begin your self study course. 


(note: we first posted this in December of 2015, but it was deleted in error)

Addendum to the NFIP Adjuster Claims Manual — Special Adjustment Issues: Fiberboard Sheathing/Blackboard

WYO Bulletin w-17065

On October 13, 2017, the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) updated the NFIP Adjuster Claims Manual by adding an addendum providing additional guidance on special adjustment issues surrounding perimeter wall sheathing. The addendum expands upon and replaces existing guidance found at Paragraph P of Section VIII of the NFIP Adjuster Claims Manual.

Texas Windstorm Insurance Association


The Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) was established by the Texas Legislature in 1971  in response to regional market conditions following Hurricane Celia in August 1970. Our purpose is to provide windstorm and hail insurance in the Texas seacoast. TWIA is governed by Chapter 2210 of the Insurance Code (Chapter 2210).

We are a residual insurer of last resort and are not a direct competitor in the voluntary insurance market. We provide coverage to residential and commercial properties in certain designated portions of the Texas seacoast territory. The designated catastrophe area is that portion of the seacoast territory where the Commissioner of Insurance has found that windstorm and hail insurance is not reasonably available.

From the Archive: Adjuster Murdered in Tampa Bay!

First posted in the forum on 11/15/2004

This post comes from the forum that we had during the years 2004 -2006.  We lost the forum but not the data.  The  discussion below is related to the killing of an adjuster doing her job 10 years ago on this date,  


Listed below are some links to other blog post and articles on other sites.

Dimechimes ClaimSmentor Adjuster Information Blog 
 Organization Chart for the Claims Handling Blame Game- A Humorous Graph -A Serious Look at Claim Bad Faith Issues
 On the page the above link takes you to you will find links to some of her other articles at the end of the above article.

Article written by John Postava
On the Ryze Claim Solutions webite

You can find additional post from John and Dimechimes in the CADO forums, they have made many post over the years contributing to the community by sharing their knowledge and experiance.

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